
In line with its mission to preserve humankind’s artistic traditions, the Society of Classical Poets is featuring the best of artwork submitted recently by high school students. This artwork uses a relatively more traditional aesthetic in an effective way. Note that none of the below featured works utilized artificial intelligence in their production. If poets would like to compose a poem to go with one of these works, they may post it in the comments below or submit it for consideration for separate publication. Artwork and poetry may be submitted to [email protected]. Enjoy!

—Evan Mantyk, SCP Editor & President


The Weight of a Moment (Colored Pencils)

Artist: Dylan Hong, a 15-year-old student at an international school in Seoul, South Korea



Lessons of Dr. Beaver – How to Build a House on Water.
(Acrylic Paint)

Artist: Jahin Claire Oh, a tenth grader attending a high school in San Jose, California



Untitled (Pencil and Colored Pencil)

Artist: Gavin Kim, currently attending a high school in Easthampton, Massachusetts



Lost (Graphite)

Artist: Uee Jung, a student attending a school in Seoul, South Korea



NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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2 Responses

  1. Michael Pietrack

    Great job, students!

    I liked them all but Dr Beaver made me think of how much wisdom there is in nature. That wisdom seems to me to come from an even higher source of wisdom…


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