An Ode: ‘Spring Mourning’ by Daniel R. Leach The Society April 28, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments . The first soft days of Springtime greet my eyes __Like a young girl’s face smiling fresh and clean, The sunlight falls, like hope, from...
‘Stones’ by Daniel R. Leach The Society February 16, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments . These stones that like huge sculpted figures lie __Amid the trunks of moss and fern-clad trees, Eons of creatures have seen born and die __And the...
‘Song of the Crab Nebula’ and Other Poetry by Daniel R. Leach The Society September 20, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Song of the Crab Nebula in celebration of 50 years after Apollo 11 Long before the first eyes ever saw me __Floating like a ghost upon the...
A Poem for the 50-Year Anniversary of Woodstock, by Daniel R. Leach The Society August 15, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 16 Comments The Devil at Woodstock I was a mere sixteen that Summer day We all piled in a beat-up car and drove To Woodstock, or someplace we had been...
On the 200th Anniversary of John Keats’ Odes (A Video Essay by Daniel Leach) The Society May 2, 2019 Poetry, Readings, Video 5 Comments When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be by John Keats When...
‘It’ and Other Poetry by Daniel Leach The Society January 31, 2019 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments It... It plays upon the glowing, sunset boughs, When shadows have enveloped all below, And distant, other-worldly thoughts arouse A passion in...
‘At Dusk’ and Other Poetry by Daniel Leach The Society November 10, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments At Dusk At dusk, when high above the darkening trees, __The swallows in the deep blue dip and soar, As if in flying higher, still to...
‘In the Deep of the Night’ by Daniel Leach The Society July 25, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments In the deep of the night do my restless thoughts roam ____To the moon-flooded fields of the sky, And they search for a pure and ethereal...
‘Poems Unwritten’ by Daniel Leach The Society June 4, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments Sometimes, when the light and the mists of the day _Settle holy and soft on the edge of the night, When the sights and the sounds of the world melt...
‘The Great Rub-off’: A Poem by Martin Elster and Axelrod-Contrada The Society January 26, 2025 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 8 Comments . The Great Rub-off Norm and Zip, in mismatched chairs, __were sipping tea and talking, when Desi, their loyal hound, said, “Listen, __you’re...
‘A Divine Mistake?’: A Poem by Norma Pain The Society May 4, 2024 Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . A Divine Mistake? Dear Father up in Heaven, Why create thou rats. Six times out of seven They even scare the cats. Why create thy creature’s...
‘Home Invasions’: Three Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society March 7, 2024 Culture, Humor, Poetry 11 Comments . Hatching A gelid mass of wings that seethed and surged— A squeamish sight that caught me by surprise— A swarming hatch of termites had...
A Poem on Brutalist Architecture, by Adam Sedia The Society January 29, 2024 Art, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Once the Future You were the future once, not long ago. Your sterile walls of concrete, brick, and glass Outlined in steel, and jutting angles...
‘Beach Fragments’ and Other Beach Poetry by Adam Sedia The Society August 11, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . Beach Fragments A million tiny fragments strewn across the sand Along the foaming margin of the boundless sea--- The spiraled, fluted castles built...
‘Sunday Morning While the World Burns’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society December 22, 2022 Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . Sunday Morning While the World Burns Another something, somewhere, every day Perturbs the practised calm of her routine. Those sad reflections on...
‘Clowns Teach Writing Classes’ by Janice Canerdy The Society November 20, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire 25 Comments . Clowns Teach Writing Classes Students’ attitudes were dismal; composition skills, abysmal! Desperate to make things better, teachers asked expert...
‘The Last Detail’ and Other Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society September 27, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . The Last Detail Two cocksure, loud–mouthed lads one day set out, Intent on catching perch. “No,” Jim said, “trout.” The hole they headed...
‘A Ballade on Being Commissioned’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society July 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . A Ballade on Being Commissioned Twixt Florence and the Holy See Of every artist you could hire You thought it meet to torture me. You gave no...
Three Poems on Having COVID-19, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 15, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Villanelle 48 Comments . A Pox Upon My House a pantoum I heard the hiss of sickness as my mind cracked. I scoured and bleached and reached new hygiene heights. I locked...
Three Sonnets on Contemporary Poetry, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society October 8, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 25 Comments . Prerequisites for a Trendy Poetry Reading Casual clothes, streetwise but debonair: Knit sweater, denims (slightly dishabille); A tentative,...
‘Rosarium’: A Sestina and Other Poetry by Benjamin Thomas Cepican The Society January 17, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Sestina 7 Comments . Rosarium a sestina A rose arises red from its green sheath Adorned with swords that prick and pierce: the thorn, Whose vigil kept ensures its...
‘On Your Marx’ and Other Poetry on Karl Marx by Damian Robin The Society December 11, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments _ On Your Marx If humans ran a Human Race, __Karl Marx would not be in it. The human depth that he could trace __would leach out in a minute. For he...
‘Silver’ by Charlie Bauer The Society June 14, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments Consider black’s effect; when it’s combined With other colors just a little trace Creates a shade but more will hide, erase The hue...
The Society of Classical Poets Releases Journal VIII The Society June 12, 2020 From the Society, Poetry 6 Comments The Society of Classical Poets website receives millions of views every year. Visitors read engaging, beautiful, topical verse that...
‘The Day Louis Armstrong Died’ by Martin Hill Ortiz The Society June 10, 2020 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments My father wore his sorrow like a hundred millstone weight. I seldom saw him angry and I never saw him hate. And though he dressed for...
A Riddle by Brian Douthit The Society July 7, 2019 Children's, Poetry, Riddles 9 Comments Stalks of brown and amber and gold, mighty when young, wither when old. Bleached by the sun and watered daily, Length may distinguish if lord or...
Journal VII Released The Society May 24, 2019 From the Society, Poetry 3 Comments We are pleased to announce the publication of The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal VII. The new journal is larger and more impressive than any...
Announcing the 2019 Poetry Competition Winners The Society February 1, 2019 Education, From the Society, Poetry, Poetry Contests 13 Comments Thank you to everyone who participated! We have had more quality submissions this year than in any past year and it has been a privilege to read and...
‘Desolation’ by James A. Tweedie The Society October 26, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments Blasted granite marks the trail Guttered through eternal rock. Windborne smoke and ashes veil Mountain peaks through which we walk. Upward blue...
‘Canto 2’ by James Sale The Society June 7, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terza Rima 39 Comments Canto 2 is part of a sequence of 33 Cantos called The English Cantos that James Sale is attempting to write in the style – and using the terza rima...
How to Write a Rhupunt (with Example) The Society March 23, 2017 Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms, Rhupunt 9 Comments By Elizabeth Spencer Spragins Poetry has been an integral component of Welsh culture for centuries. Indeed, the Welsh word “bardd” (poet) has...
‘Sonnet for an Arabian Autumn’ and Other Poetry by Diane Woodcock The Society March 2, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 1 Comment Sonnet for an Arabian Autumn After William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 This time of year you will in me perceive When all things green take on...
Poetry in Traditional Celtic and Bardic Forms by Elizabeth Spencer Spragins The Society January 30, 2016 Beauty, Culture, Education, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Rhupunt 1 Comment Sedona (A Rhupunt) Deep shadows fade Red rock cascade To purpled jade— Sun sparks ignite. Stone sentries stare Sightless through air At...
Announcing 2014 Poetry Competition Winners The Society February 15, 2014 From the Society 1 Comment First Place: Bruce Dale Wise (Prize: $500) Second Place: Damian Robin Third Place: Reid McGrath Honorable Mention: Betsy M....
“Ballet Lesson” and Other Poetry by Betsy M. Hughes The Society January 17, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Ballet Lesson The flow has ebbed and left a tidal pool. A little tern wades in with webbed feet So delicate they wobble in the...