‘Hermes, The Artisan’ by Cheryl Corey The Society March 7, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . Hermes, The Artisan Hermes, son and messenger of Jove, Surveyed the coast, where often he would rove, And found a tortoise beached upon a cove. He took it home and made a turtle soup— The shell, he...
A Poem on the Proverbial Uptight Librarian, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society March 5, 2022 Humor, Poetry 32 Comments . Prudence Huntleigh, Head Librarian theme of “the proverbial uptight librarian” suggested by Brian Yapko She mans the front desk and she oversees All borrowings, returns, and two-cent fines. A tailored...
‘Trudeau’s Canada’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society February 27, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . Trudeau’s Canada Jab them all, Big and small. Small are buffer And must suffer. No opinions, Little minions. Cover traces Of their faces, With a mask, Do not ask. Issue orders Across borders. What the...
‘Because He Could Not Jump’ adapted from Lewis Carroll’s ‘The Pig’ by Beverly Stock The Society February 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Poem Introduction Lewis Carroll (who lived 1832-1898 and was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was a master at humorous wordplay and making the illogical logical. His accomplishments as an English writer of...
‘The Pear Pit’ by Leland James The Society February 24, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . The Pear Pit I fell into a pear pitupon a summer’s day.I fell into a pear pitand whiled the time away. How sad will be the hunter,as sad as he can be,finding not a pitted pearbut finding only...
‘Bluer Skies’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society February 20, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 20 Comments . Bluer Skies after Ogden Nash Spring ain’t sprung, the grass ain’t growed, The fields ain’t fit for man nor toad. They tell us that the world is warmin’, ‘Pears to me the world is stormin’. Snow...
‘Everlasting’: A Blank Verse Poem by C.B. Anderson The Society February 19, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Everlasting I must admit, when I arrived in Hell I was surprised. Not, as you might surmise, Because I never reckoned it was real— And surely not because I thought I’d led A sinless life—but owing to...
‘Nuclear Fusion’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 17, 2022 Humor, Poetry, Science 9 Comments . Nuclear Fusion written upon hearing of the UK's recent fusion energy breakthrough Those white-coated boffins in England, Have been toiling for years, so it seems. To harness the power of Fusion, As the...
‘God’s M.O.’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society February 17, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . God’s M.O. One hundred thousand people at the game, And half might pray to God: “Let my team win!” While for the other team folks pray the same. If I was God it might make my head spin, But that’s...
‘The H.R. Manager’s Toilet Break’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society February 15, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . The H.R. Manager's Toilet Break At ten-fifteen he sits upon His porcelain panopticon And stares into his tiny screen. He clears his bowels and fills his spleen With bile he milks from boundless...
‘Where Did I Lose My Mind?’ by Richard Buchanan The Society February 13, 2022 Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Where Did I Lose My Mind? I just found my glasses on top of my head. My iPhone had dropped to the floor from my bed. The car keys I lost were much harder to find. Oh, where in the world did this fool lose...
‘A Note to Karen’ by C.B. Anderson The Society February 9, 2022 Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . A Note to Karen It’s been a bumpy ride, With bruises long endured By both the groom and bride. At last, my heart is cured Of you, and I am much Obliged that you agree Our lives should never touch Again,...
‘Bottle Battle Blues’ by Mark F. Stone The Society February 9, 2022 Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . Bottle Battle Blues When baby cries (as does his ilk), I pacify my son with milk. One day the milk would not pass through the nipple as it ought to do. I think the bottle bore a grudge. That liquid clot...
‘Aromatherapy’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 8, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . Aromatherapy This tale concerns an English Lass, Who signed up for an evening class, “There’s money to be made” said she, “I’ll try Aromatherapy.” So, every Winter, Wednesday nights, She headed...
A Limerick on Minnie Mouse’s New Outfit, by Paul A. Freeman The Society February 6, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments . And so, Minnie Mouse will impress in pantsuit and flat heels, no less. __But what of the vision, __of Mickey's transition in heels and a polka-dot dress? . . Paul A. Freeman is the author of Rumours of...
‘Missed Call’ and Other Poetry by Cara Valle The Society February 2, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Missed Call O Muse, would you call back another time? My little boy, armed with a sharpened stick, winged with a blanket, sure that he can fly, is leaping off the countertop to try things unattempted yet in...
‘Starbucks Villanelle’ by Matt Hsu The Society January 31, 2022 High School Submissions, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 9 Comments . Starbucks Villanelle Will someone call an order for Elaine? I have a bunch of stuff I need to do. The wait today is driving me insane. This one dude wants a pinch of sugar cane. I can’t believe he’s...
‘On the Cost of Doing Evil’ by Lee Goldberg The Society January 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . On the Cost of Doing Evil I care not if the sky burns red and human flesh is seared. I pray that all souls will just rot as many long have feared. I wait for when the birds don’t fly and locusts take the...
Two Poems for Burns Night 2022, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 25, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments . Toasting Burns His words ring out from windswept glens. __They lilt from lapping lochs. I see love through his red-rose lens; __I hear the midnight clocks In castle nooks chime Auld Lang Syne __As...
‘The High Cost of Low Prices’ by Mark F. Stone The Society January 23, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . The High Cost of Low Prices Poetry is what I treasure. Books of poems give me pleasure, but my grief’s been hard to measure, since I did some shopping. “50 Famous Poems”---nifty! Now on sale for just...
‘Sonnetized’ by K. Irene Rieger The Society January 18, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . Sonnetized “Why poetry?” My chair leans in his chair And slides me a sabbatical-swelled smirk. The past nine months I’d shouldered all his share So he could spend his patriarchal perk In penning pap...
On the Soccer Player Tattoo Ban and Other Poetry by Paul A. Freeman The Society January 12, 2022 Beauty, Human Rights in China, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 11 Comments . Limerick China’s footballers haven’t a clue why they can’t go and get a tattoo, but I think it might be it’s since President Xi is afraid they’ll choose Winnie the Pooh. . . This Urge for the...
Three Odes With a Grecian Turn, by James A. Tweedie The Society January 11, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . Fleet of Foot Pheidippides A Grecian runner named Pheidippides, From Athens, ran to Sparta with a plea. “We need your help to fight the Persians, please!” But Sparta sent him back with,...
‘The Dark Knight’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 2, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 35 Comments . The Dark Knight I’ve always held the Queen in high esteem, Her ever-classy, never brassy aura Shines noble splendour on the regal scene And blesses folk who openly adore 'er. Today the corgi-hugging...
‘So It Is Written’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society January 2, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . So It Is Written The books that I have owned for many years, Still sitting on my shelves or stored in boxes, Have yellowed pages—damaged belvederes— With covers bearing pale mildewy poxes. I’ve read...
’20/20 Vision’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 31, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . 20/20 Vision You’re lurking in the shadows with a wink. I see your flute of crystal, hear you pop Your cork as spirits soar and keen arms link To strains of Auld Lang Syne as clock hands...
‘The Dodo of Mauritius’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley The Society December 29, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 39 Comments . The Dodo of Mauritius This island nation scarcely can be proud Of avifauna lacking common sense, Surviving only in the perfect tense, Their right to life, existence disavowed. With beaks immense, these...
‘Anyone But You’ and Other Poetry by Anna J. Arredondo The Society December 26, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Love Poems, Poetry 7 Comments . Anyone But You The phone may ring; The call will bring __Anyone but you. The mail will come; It will be from __Anyone but you. A text may buzz; I’m sure it was __Anyone but you. Oh, this is dire; I...
‘The North Pole’s on Lockdown’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 23, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . The North Pole's on Lockdown ‘Tis the night before Christmas; it pains me to say--- The North Pole’s on lockdown before the big day. The elves have been furloughed and fester in bed. The toy...
‘The Tunnel to Australia’ by Jeff Eardley The Society December 23, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Song Lyrics 21 Comments . The Tunnel to Australia It’s raining every day in Merrie England. It’s falling from the sky most every day. But I’ve just heard about a place that’s burning, In a country that’s so very far...
‘Hedge Theory’ by David Watt The Society December 22, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Hedge Theory The hedge plants are trimmed by a gardener with shears As they have been, like clockwork, for twenty-five years. Yet they push out new shoots in continuing hope Of extending their reach through...
‘Twelve Chaucerian Limericks’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 20, 2021 Chaucer, Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Twelve Chaucerian Limericks for Paul Freeman Some pilgrims went riding to Kent, And here’s how the journey was spent: As they traipsed through the dale They each told a tale Of sacred or worldly...
‘Critical Race Theory’ and Other Poems by Russel Winick The Society December 20, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . Critical Race Theory It’s quite amusing when some first Defend it with persistence, Then---feigning that they’ve not reversed--- Deny its whole existence. . . Federal Government Logic The National...
‘A Spider in My Room’ and Other Poetry by Radhika Bianchi The Society December 16, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . A Spider in My Room In the corner, there's a spider Between the ceiling and the wall. Its legs are long, its body small, Seeing it there my eyes grow wider, Fearing it to be the kind Of spider I’ve been...
‘Bidenflation’ to the Tune of ‘Tomorrow’ by Will Spiller The Society December 15, 2021 Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics 1 Comment . . Bidenflation to the finale of “Tomorrow” from the musical Annie Fuel prices go up Tomorrow Bet your shrinking dollar that tomorrow They will soar! Inflation will rise Tomorrow All the things you...
‘There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie,’ Nursery Rhyme Sung by Jack DesBois The Society December 12, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 13 Comments . There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie sung to the tune of "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" . https://youtu.be/luLcKkCHWFo There was a free nation that swallowed a lie. I don’t know why...
‘Maria Montessori’ and Other Clerihews by Peter Hartley The Society December 10, 2021 Clerihew, Culture, Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . Maria Montessori Seldom felt hunky-dory. Her vision for education Fell short of inspiring a nation. . King George the Second It has often been reckoned Would have been more fecund Had more mistresses...
A Poem on Hot Flashes: ‘The Devil and the Hounds of Hell’ by Norma Pain The Society December 9, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . The Devil and the Hounds of Hell Over and over in the gloom of night, In degrees of Celsius or Fahrenheit. From deep in the middle of a hard-won sleep, An evil entity begins to creep. A dark, diabolical...
A Fake News Pantoum and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 9, 2021 Culture, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry, Rondeau 9 Comments . What Is Truth? a pantoum To keep us blind and riven You falsify the facts. You will not be forgiven--- These are a tyrant’s acts! You falsify the facts Promoting news that’s fake. These are a tyrant’s...
‘We Are in for Another Covid Christmas!’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 8, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . We Are in for Another Covid Christmas! We are in for another Covid Christmas: __Lockdown tales of woe. ____Now forbidden to fly his sled __Santa is drenched in dread And Rudolph’s rosy nose has lost its...