Donald J. Trump

They laugh at him and sneer as if his lack
Of faith in modernism’s unholy gods
Can justify each Philistine attack
And drown out facts with which they are at odds.

Yet from their barbs he fashions Aaron’s rods
That gobble up the hatred others feel
And plant in all the people’s front yard sods
New growth of sense that what is right is real.

And his achievements? He wears U.S. steel
In shining armor plates that can’t be beat.
His lance is teaching communists to heel,
To give up hope they ever can compete.

He is a knight defined by words he’s kept
And justified contempt for Life’s inept.


Poet’s Note: Aaron was an Israelite prophet whose rod, or rods, devoured the pharaoh’s rods and, in another instance, produced buds and blossoms.

Evan Mantyk is President of the Society and teaches English literature and history in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

18 Responses

  1. Rod Walford

    Great sonnet in support of one President from another! I am continually sickened at the way Mr Trump is misrepresented by mainstream media who were made to look very foolish when he was elected and continue to make fools of themselves daily. I hope you guys will re-elect him when the time comes.

  2. Mike Bryant

    This sonnet does connect with the hopes of most Americans, including me! I particularly like the last couplet which captures the essence of President Trump… he is bold, speaks his mind and I wish him well. I am so glad to be at a site that allows this freedom to express contrarian views. If I may be so bold, I might replace “modernism” in the second line with “democrats”.

  3. Margaret Coats

    Well done and much needed! I especially like the mention of the hatred that is burgeoning out of control in certain areas of American public life. This target of the hatred is able to neutralize it and permit people to pass beyond it–over and over and over again–if only they will. A fine American addition to the history of the Spenserian sonnet, concluding with a Spenserian knight representing some of the nation’s virtues.

  4. Gregory Spicer

    Here’s a little something to celebrate May Day!

    Large and in Charge

    “The people are not rough enough!”
    The crabby tough talkers say;
    “They need to love unpleasant stuff
    In the old fashioned dead people way!”.
    We must ever do as they tell
    And question not the things that they do
    For theirs is the knowledge of hell
    That’s NOT necessarily true…
    Because it turns out people are nice
    As long as they learn to ignore
    Untested baby boomer advice
    From a well funded reprobate whore,
    Whose barefaced status as a jerk
    Is from being too spoiled at work.

    Oh wait!

    I just realized that every day with Trump in charge is Mayday.


    • Joe Tessitore

      Do you have enough enthusiasm about Biden to write a poem about him?

      • Gregory Spicer

        Lack of enthusiasm about Old Delaware Joe makes more sense than any amount of enthusiasm FOR the Trumpanzee.

        In either case enthusiasm is no measure of integrity.

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        Poor Spicer — he just can’t stay away. Things must be slow in Antifa country.

  5. Evan Mantyk

    Thank you all for reading and for your comments. This was inspired after I attended a poetry reading where anti-Trump poetry was read. It has become boring and, frankly, self-destructive for the poetry world to be so insanely biased. I offer the above sonnet in an attempt to bring some bit of balance and health to the po-biz, as I’ve heard Mr. Salemi call it.

    A special thanks to Margaret Coats, whose excellent, forthcoming essay on Spenserian sonnets inspired the above one.

  6. David Watt

    Trump receives such a bad rap that it’s refreshing to read a sonnet emphasizing his strength of character.

  7. Euthymes

    Dear Evan,

    I want to ask you about the publication date of the sequel for the Dream of Red Chambers.

    Thank you,

  8. Ted Hayes

    Evan, A sonnet in praise of Donald Trump? Outrageous! All he has done is poke a really big stick in Communist China’s eye, tell the UN General Assembly, to its face that America will never be a socialist country, build a wall on our border with Mexico, investigate the widespread cheating in national elections, and fundamentally drain the Swamp — which Joe Biden will refill, if he does manage to squirm into the White House. I have written The Donald Trump (Victory) Song — four simple verses and an original time, included on my recent CD album, “The American Patriot’s Song Album” with five others of mine. I am a member of SCP, or was until I was hit by a car six months ago and have lived in rehab away from all my files since then. Blessings on you and the USA.

    • Evan Mantyk

      Ted, great to hear from you! A miracle then that you are back. Heaven must be watching over you. Please post a link or other info to your song.


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