"An Allegory of the Tudor Succession: The Family of Henry VIII" (artist uknown)‘Maria Montessori’ and Other Clerihews by Peter Hartley The Society December 10, 2021 Clerihew, Culture, Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . Maria Montessori Seldom felt hunky-dory. Her vision for education Fell short of inspiring a nation. . King George the Second It has often been reckoned Would have been more fecund Had more mistresses beckoned. . King Henry the Eighth, Defender of the Faith, Would have happily run a marathon To escape Queen Catherine of Aragon. . Antonio Vivaldi Would have clicked with Garibaldi For his music quite prettily Unified Italy. . . Peter Hartley is a retired painting restorer. He was born in Liverpool and lives in Manchester, UK. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 33 Responses The Society December 10, 2021 Thank you for these, clerihews, Peter! These are funny, especially the Henry VIII one. I have not made a “clerihew” category at the SCP since it is unmetered and I still look a bit askance at the form. If others want to weigh in on it I’d be interested. Is the clerihew a worthy form? -Evan Mantyk, SCP Editor Reply C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 A clerihew can be as metrically precise as an author wants it to be, within the requirements imposed by the name of its subject. And like limericks, clerihews are meant to be looked at askance. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CBA thank you for this helpful explanation. CB Need we tediously Glance askance at the clerihew if We can view it skew- whiff? Peter Hartley December 10, 2021 Evan – if the villanelle and the Spenserian were broadsheet newspapers the clerihew would undoubtedly rank with the limerick as a tabloid or red-top. If their literary worth be measured by the degree of skill, artistic merit or length of time expended on their composition, then they must rank very low indeed. For at least one member of SCP, though, they are a bit of light relief from the misery of sonneteering. As you say, this poetic form lacks meter but with their often ingenious and contorted rhymes at least clerihews do have one attribute of formal poetry, which puts them streets ahead of blank verse. Some time ago an SCP member quoted a hilarious rhyme for Aeschylus (these kill us) and there can surely be no better vehicle or outlet for this sort of excruciating rhyme than the clerihew. They are as mellifluous as the sound of fingernails scraping down a blackboard. Reply C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 Double dactyls fall into this category as well, and even limericks benefit from a well-ordered sequence of anapests and/or amphibrachs. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CB, Thank you for this, and yes, there are certainly some combinations of feet that seem to work in a clerihew and some that don’t. A propos an earlier comment, while in the US anapests are universal, in the U.K., we tend to spell them “anapaests” and pronounce them “anapEEsts” Jeff Eardley December 10, 2021 This poetic treasure, Will surely give pleasure, To any consumer, Of Peter’s great humour. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Jeff, many thanks for this poetic endeavour, and it is a good example of one of those clerihews that “works,” as in my comment to CB above. The one below doesn’t work on any level but does point out a paradox in your name: Jeff Eardley Absurdly Mutton Jeff: a riddle That “ear” in the middle. Reply Jeff Eardley December 12, 2021 A mystery riddle Of words in the middle Of names, is the part Of your own that says,”art” Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Jeff – that clerihew for me, below, is hyper-brill. You should specialise in humorous poetry. Do you know I had never even noticed the word art in my name before? Can you believe that? I always smirk smugly to myself when I hear of people with the forenames “Jade” or “Jordan.” A jade is a knackered horse and a jordan is an old name for a chamber-pot. Ha ha! Jeff Eardley December 13, 2021 “Your Peter is clever,” the Headmaster said, With anagram names from the top of his head. “And good with a paintbrush, so it’s a safe bet, He’ll have a career as an ART HELPER YET.” Sorry Peter, I have been listening to far too much John Cooper Clarke. Mike Bryant December 13, 2021 Jeff, I don’t know if you fish…. here goes Jeff Eardley really likes to fish In streams up near the sky. To put those rainbows in his dish He tied a FREE JADE FLY. C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 These were funny, indeed, but please bear in mind that my wife works in a Montessori school. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CB – I believe that your wife has a rare sense of humour and will not take my clerihew amiss. Reply Mike Bryant December 10, 2021 Poet Peter Hartley Writes clerihews quite smartly. Restoring old art was his game, Now his sonnets bring mountains of fame. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Mike – Thank you for the wondrous clerihew that manages to draw in at least three of my great passions in life. I tried to pen a response in kind but unfortunately had to abort it when I came to the conclusion that your aunt is probably no more wry than anybody else’s. Reply Jeff Eardley December 13, 2021 I lived a time when song was great, And trees were tall and limber. I took my fiddle to the States, And fiddled in YANK TIMBER. (Alfred Lord Tenniselbow) Reply Mike Bryant December 13, 2021 Brilliant! Mike Bryant December 13, 2021 Susan Bryant Isn’t odd. She’s non-compliant… Stands by God. Her path to straighten, RUNS BY SATAN. Cynthia Erlandson December 10, 2021 I think these are fun — especially rhyming prettily with Italy! Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Cynthia – I’m very pleased that you liked them, and thank you for telling me. Reply Paul Freeman December 10, 2021 Oh, yes, Mr Hartley. Nicely done. And if I might dip back into post colonial African history: President Daniel Arap Moi kept a pond full of koi. They were well fed during his tenure, which is more than can be said of the people of Kenya. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Paul – Thank you for your very kind comment. I feel that I must elaborate on your comment: The Mau Mau Were a wow In Kenya, support frugal In Portugal. Reply Brian Yapko December 10, 2021 Peter and Evan — these are all quite charming and funny. My two cents are that it took skill and wit to pen these within a form which imposes structure and, therefore, requires poetic discipline. Personally, I think it is indeed a form worth celebrating. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Brian – Many thanks for expressing your view about the clerihew. One stricture that I don’t think has been mentioned is that the second to fourth lines normally carry some truth or some utter absurdity around the truth about the character portrayed, as in: King George the Sixth Got most of his kicksth By using his stammer To hide his bad grammar. And: King George the First Found his accent accurst But his großvater’s Erse Was even worse. Reply Cheryl Corey December 11, 2021 That third one made me laugh, and there’s not much that makes me laugh nowadays, so thank you Peter! Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Cheryl – Thank you very much for your very kind remark, and I’m glad that number three made you laugh. I have written dozens and dozens of clerihews but most of them just aren’t funny. Reply David Watt December 12, 2021 The anticipation of reading unexpected rhymes and the certainty of humor makes the clerihew a worthwhile form. Thanks for these Peter! Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Thank you, David, for the kind remark and I hope that Evan will have gathered from the comments above that, in small doses at least, for the SCP, the clerihew, like the Limerick, can be an effective means of conveying epic profundities. Reply Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 And just to get the other three King Georges out of the way: King George the Third Was only as good as his word And everybody garbles When they start losing their marbles. King George the Fourth Made the long-dead Lord North His future Prime Minister. The move was considered quite sinister. King George the Fifth Cared not who he was with. When he married Queen Mary of Teck He just said “Oh shucks, what the heck.” Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant December 16, 2021 Peter, what wonderful fun! You have shone a spotlight on this tricky little form and made it shine. I had no idea the clerihew could be so entertaining and enticing. When I get a spare moment over the festive season, I’m going to grab my pen and give them a go… although, I am certain I won’t outshine your dear old ‘Enery… a priceless Tudor gem of a clerihew. Reply Peter Hartley December 16, 2021 Susan – When you’ve mastered the rondeau and the villanelle as you have, and I haven’t, you’ll find writing clerihews is a walk in the park. I must have written over a hundred of them now but only three of them are funny. This is the funniest of the three. As you’ll see, it’s not really that funny, especially in USA where you probably don’t even have JCBs, and you will have long forgotten what they look like. J C Bamford Was recorded in Hansard When he drove heavy plant Through a Prime Ministerial rant. This is the next nearly funniest: Alexander the Great Would have carried less weight Had he not had the bottle To be coached by Aristotle. And this is the least funny of all: Henry Ford Took their feelings on board When his customers’ feedback Showed they all hated black. Reply Tamara Beryl Latham December 31, 2021 Peter, I’ve certainly not seen this poetic form (clerihews) prior to your post, but they are quite humorous. My favorite is #4. I love how you’ve rhymed Italy/prettily. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
The Society December 10, 2021 Thank you for these, clerihews, Peter! These are funny, especially the Henry VIII one. I have not made a “clerihew” category at the SCP since it is unmetered and I still look a bit askance at the form. If others want to weigh in on it I’d be interested. Is the clerihew a worthy form? -Evan Mantyk, SCP Editor Reply
C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 A clerihew can be as metrically precise as an author wants it to be, within the requirements imposed by the name of its subject. And like limericks, clerihews are meant to be looked at askance. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CBA thank you for this helpful explanation. CB Need we tediously Glance askance at the clerihew if We can view it skew- whiff?
Peter Hartley December 10, 2021 Evan – if the villanelle and the Spenserian were broadsheet newspapers the clerihew would undoubtedly rank with the limerick as a tabloid or red-top. If their literary worth be measured by the degree of skill, artistic merit or length of time expended on their composition, then they must rank very low indeed. For at least one member of SCP, though, they are a bit of light relief from the misery of sonneteering. As you say, this poetic form lacks meter but with their often ingenious and contorted rhymes at least clerihews do have one attribute of formal poetry, which puts them streets ahead of blank verse. Some time ago an SCP member quoted a hilarious rhyme for Aeschylus (these kill us) and there can surely be no better vehicle or outlet for this sort of excruciating rhyme than the clerihew. They are as mellifluous as the sound of fingernails scraping down a blackboard. Reply
C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 Double dactyls fall into this category as well, and even limericks benefit from a well-ordered sequence of anapests and/or amphibrachs. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CB, Thank you for this, and yes, there are certainly some combinations of feet that seem to work in a clerihew and some that don’t. A propos an earlier comment, while in the US anapests are universal, in the U.K., we tend to spell them “anapaests” and pronounce them “anapEEsts”
Jeff Eardley December 10, 2021 This poetic treasure, Will surely give pleasure, To any consumer, Of Peter’s great humour. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Jeff, many thanks for this poetic endeavour, and it is a good example of one of those clerihews that “works,” as in my comment to CB above. The one below doesn’t work on any level but does point out a paradox in your name: Jeff Eardley Absurdly Mutton Jeff: a riddle That “ear” in the middle. Reply
Jeff Eardley December 12, 2021 A mystery riddle Of words in the middle Of names, is the part Of your own that says,”art”
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Jeff – that clerihew for me, below, is hyper-brill. You should specialise in humorous poetry. Do you know I had never even noticed the word art in my name before? Can you believe that? I always smirk smugly to myself when I hear of people with the forenames “Jade” or “Jordan.” A jade is a knackered horse and a jordan is an old name for a chamber-pot. Ha ha!
Jeff Eardley December 13, 2021 “Your Peter is clever,” the Headmaster said, With anagram names from the top of his head. “And good with a paintbrush, so it’s a safe bet, He’ll have a career as an ART HELPER YET.” Sorry Peter, I have been listening to far too much John Cooper Clarke.
Mike Bryant December 13, 2021 Jeff, I don’t know if you fish…. here goes Jeff Eardley really likes to fish In streams up near the sky. To put those rainbows in his dish He tied a FREE JADE FLY.
C.B. Anderson December 10, 2021 These were funny, indeed, but please bear in mind that my wife works in a Montessori school. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 CB – I believe that your wife has a rare sense of humour and will not take my clerihew amiss. Reply
Mike Bryant December 10, 2021 Poet Peter Hartley Writes clerihews quite smartly. Restoring old art was his game, Now his sonnets bring mountains of fame. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Mike – Thank you for the wondrous clerihew that manages to draw in at least three of my great passions in life. I tried to pen a response in kind but unfortunately had to abort it when I came to the conclusion that your aunt is probably no more wry than anybody else’s. Reply
Jeff Eardley December 13, 2021 I lived a time when song was great, And trees were tall and limber. I took my fiddle to the States, And fiddled in YANK TIMBER. (Alfred Lord Tenniselbow) Reply
Mike Bryant December 13, 2021 Susan Bryant Isn’t odd. She’s non-compliant… Stands by God. Her path to straighten, RUNS BY SATAN.
Cynthia Erlandson December 10, 2021 I think these are fun — especially rhyming prettily with Italy! Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Cynthia – I’m very pleased that you liked them, and thank you for telling me. Reply
Paul Freeman December 10, 2021 Oh, yes, Mr Hartley. Nicely done. And if I might dip back into post colonial African history: President Daniel Arap Moi kept a pond full of koi. They were well fed during his tenure, which is more than can be said of the people of Kenya. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Paul – Thank you for your very kind comment. I feel that I must elaborate on your comment: The Mau Mau Were a wow In Kenya, support frugal In Portugal. Reply
Brian Yapko December 10, 2021 Peter and Evan — these are all quite charming and funny. My two cents are that it took skill and wit to pen these within a form which imposes structure and, therefore, requires poetic discipline. Personally, I think it is indeed a form worth celebrating. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Brian – Many thanks for expressing your view about the clerihew. One stricture that I don’t think has been mentioned is that the second to fourth lines normally carry some truth or some utter absurdity around the truth about the character portrayed, as in: King George the Sixth Got most of his kicksth By using his stammer To hide his bad grammar. And: King George the First Found his accent accurst But his großvater’s Erse Was even worse. Reply
Cheryl Corey December 11, 2021 That third one made me laugh, and there’s not much that makes me laugh nowadays, so thank you Peter! Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Cheryl – Thank you very much for your very kind remark, and I’m glad that number three made you laugh. I have written dozens and dozens of clerihews but most of them just aren’t funny. Reply
David Watt December 12, 2021 The anticipation of reading unexpected rhymes and the certainty of humor makes the clerihew a worthwhile form. Thanks for these Peter! Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 Thank you, David, for the kind remark and I hope that Evan will have gathered from the comments above that, in small doses at least, for the SCP, the clerihew, like the Limerick, can be an effective means of conveying epic profundities. Reply
Peter Hartley December 12, 2021 And just to get the other three King Georges out of the way: King George the Third Was only as good as his word And everybody garbles When they start losing their marbles. King George the Fourth Made the long-dead Lord North His future Prime Minister. The move was considered quite sinister. King George the Fifth Cared not who he was with. When he married Queen Mary of Teck He just said “Oh shucks, what the heck.” Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant December 16, 2021 Peter, what wonderful fun! You have shone a spotlight on this tricky little form and made it shine. I had no idea the clerihew could be so entertaining and enticing. When I get a spare moment over the festive season, I’m going to grab my pen and give them a go… although, I am certain I won’t outshine your dear old ‘Enery… a priceless Tudor gem of a clerihew. Reply
Peter Hartley December 16, 2021 Susan – When you’ve mastered the rondeau and the villanelle as you have, and I haven’t, you’ll find writing clerihews is a walk in the park. I must have written over a hundred of them now but only three of them are funny. This is the funniest of the three. As you’ll see, it’s not really that funny, especially in USA where you probably don’t even have JCBs, and you will have long forgotten what they look like. J C Bamford Was recorded in Hansard When he drove heavy plant Through a Prime Ministerial rant. This is the next nearly funniest: Alexander the Great Would have carried less weight Had he not had the bottle To be coached by Aristotle. And this is the least funny of all: Henry Ford Took their feelings on board When his customers’ feedback Showed they all hated black. Reply
Tamara Beryl Latham December 31, 2021 Peter, I’ve certainly not seen this poetic form (clerihews) prior to your post, but they are quite humorous. My favorite is #4. I love how you’ve rhymed Italy/prettily. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Reply