
Elder Abuse

What’s left to us to say? There’ll be no more debates.
We know the truth now. Biden is not there—
The president of the United States:
A man lost in a blank and vacant stare.

They hid this old, frail man away with lies.
They sneered and said the images were fake.
They told us to ignore our lying eyes
And—best of all—“Democracy’s at stake.”

Who do we blame? The handlers, of course.
The media who bought into this drama.
A wife Lady Macbeth might well endorse,
And most? A puppet-master named Obama.

Yes, politicians lie—they’re not the first.
But this charade has jeopardized our nation
And this deception may be quite the worst—
A calculated, fascist desecration.

Who’s actually in charge? Who has the codes?
Who’s making the decisions that affect us?
Obama? Clinton? Harris? How this bodes
Disaster with no leaders to protect us!

We’re all betrayed. An old man whose own wife
Would let him face a verbal firing squad…
Her power-lust outweighs her husband’s life!
“You answered every question!” is her nod.

Obama knew. He saw Joe just last week—
He took his hand and led him off the stage
And saw that Biden was confused and weak.
Yet he pretended Joe was sharp and sage.

There’s more. The media’s protective glare.
And last—and least—there’s Karine Jean-Pierre
Who called it “deep-fake” with a “screw you” stare.
Yes, all of them have lots of blame to share.
They didn’t care. My God, they didn’t care.



Brian Yapko is a retired lawyer whose poetry has appeared in over fifty journals.  He is the winner of the 2023 SCP International Poetry Competition. Brian is also the author of several short stories, the science fiction novel El Nuevo Mundo and the gothic archaeological novel  Bleeding Stone.  He lives in Wimauma, Florida.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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44 Responses

  1. Phil S. Rogers

    This is the real truth, but democrats created this problem themselves when they picked Biden-Harris. Now, it has been set up to remove him. I have to believe this was all planned months ago, the debate became the perfect excuse. The media was not ignorant of this. The only question now is who do they have planned to replace him and exactly how they will go about it.

    • Lannie David Brockstein

      On June 29th, 2024, Phil S. Rogers wrote:
      >>> “The only question now is who do they have planned to replace him and exactly how they will go about it.”


      According to Roger Stone, it is going to be Michael Obama. If that happens, then it would only make sense, according to the backwards logic of the Bizarro Superman planet, if he were to ask Jill Biden to be his running mate.

      From Lannie.

      • Brian A. Yapko

        Lannie, I think they’d be profoundly foolish to run Michelle Obama. Too obvious. Everyone would know it would simply be Barack Obama’s fourth term, and I like to think the country has had enough of his unconsitutional regency. I wish he would move out of D.C. and focus on his golf game. Of course these are crazy times so I guess anything– or anyone — is possible. Even Hillary.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Yes, Phil, it’s all very disturbing. When you have so many at such high levels of power and/or influence engaged in a concerted cover-up it’s really hard now to tell what’s true and what is a manipulation. I have to believe that the Democrats pushed for a June debate to give themselves time to replace Joe. I’m not sure this is actually the result they wanted when all the polling has shown Biden as the only Democrat who can actually beat Donald Trump. But there are the proverbial “wheels within wheels” spinning here and who knows?

  2. C.B. Anderson

    Yeah, Brian, we watched the same debate, if we can call it that. You expose more levels of sadness than I ever knew existed. I say, let the man die in the manner of his own choosing, but nevermore let him stain our solemn musings.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you, C.B. — especially for addressing those “levels of sadness.” This is indeed a very sad situation — I can be sad for the puppet but no one else. And even with him just to a point since he’s shown himself to be exceptionally venal. Sad, but for for the level of manipulation, deception and political-thriller intrigue that has gone into creating this extraordinary situation. Your “choosing” “musings” rhyme is, however, very poignant. I agree. “Nevermore let him stain our solemn musings.”

  3. Roy Eugene Peterson

    This is a brilliant summation of the ill-fated debate. This falls under the “Masters of Deception” poem published not long ago in which a charade has been perpetrated upon the American people, but which came crashing down within a few minutes.

    I wrote three poems for my next book from this debate. Here is a final verse from one of them:

    After his bad debate,
    I still could hear him slur,
    “I answered all the questions.
    Wonder what they were?”

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you so much, Roy. The “Masters of Deception” analysis is accurate, painful and terrifying. But as columnist Bari Weiss said the morning after: “Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants.” This may have been a moment of clarity for the American people which I hope they do not forget. They now see first-hand unambiguously that the mainstream media lies, that the government sycophants lie. We must learn critical thinking skills and how to trust the evidence of our own eyes and ears.

      I enjoyed the lines from your new poem, Roy. Looking forward to reading the entire piece!

  4. Mike Bryant

    Brian… I love it…

    Someone said that CNN cashed in on the elder cruelty by selling ads to Visiting Angels® and Depends® .

    Shame on them !!!

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you very much, Mike. Is that true??? Visiting Angels and Depends!? Shame on them indeed. Relentlessly cynical and venal. This reminds me of the callously manipulative media in the movie Network from the 1980s with Peter Finch. The catchphrase was “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

  5. Michael Vanyukov

    This time, the lying senile crook
    could not be helped with uppers that he took.
    Exhumed from the White House where he dwells
    he croaked like a frail warlock casting spells.

    • Cheryl Corey

      That’s a good one, Michael. I love that comparison to a “frail warlock”.

      • Michael Vanyukov

        Thank you, Cheryl! Brian-inspired. I had started to repress the horrible memory of that slack-jaw evil mumbling when I read Brian’s poem.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Excellent, Michael! I like your word-choice of “Exhumed” which emphasizes Biden’s current zombie-like state. And I agree with Cheryl: I like that “frail warlock.” But one whose magic has all run out.

    • Julia B Griffin

      This poem needs to separate its cargo.
      The lying crook’s still blighting Mar a Lago.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Wow, Rob — talk about prophetic! Thank you for reading and commenting. Thank you especially for drawing attention to your excellent poem! You saw the signs even then. Too bad we were all gaslighted into dismissing them.

  6. Mary Gardner

    Brian, what a gift you have for writing! Your poem is trenchant and sad and brilliantly wrought.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Mary, you are way too kind! Thank you so much. It’s a very sad situation but not sad enough to keep me — or millions of other Americans — from being furious at the deception!

  7. Joseph S. Salemi

    It would be very hard for the Democrats to replace Biden now, especially if he refuses to go, and if his wife is adamantly opposed to leaving. Recall that he has 99% of the pledged delegates to his party’s convention. Besides this, in some states the ballots are already set up and cannot be legally altered.

    Our best bet is to make sure that Biden DOES run in November, which will bring about not just his own defeat but the defeat of many Democrats in Congress. The smart move now is for us to keep quiet about Biden’s glaring disabilities (the nation is very well aware of them at this point), and concentrate on campaigning for Trump.

    Keep in mind — our enemy is not really an old guy named Biden, who is nothing but a puppet in any case. Our enemy is the Democrat Party, which is now the living representative of political evil. That’s where we should be aiming.

    Recall what Yogi Berra always said — it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. If we keep on squawking about Biden’s disabilities, it might start too many people demanding that Biden resign, which is exactly what we don’t want. So to everyone: think STRATEGICALLY, not emotionally.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you for the reminder, Joe. It’s hard to resist acknowledging the reality of the situation as well as the fact that a callous, extensive deception on our country has taken place — something so fantastic it might as well be a sequel to The Prisoner of Zenda. But you’re right. We do want to keep Joe on the ticket. The big problem is, that also means keeping Joe in the Oval Office for another 7 months when he needs a conservator and the country needs coherent leadership. There is also the question of whether Biden’s even going to be able to make it through another 7 months… Not that it matters since he’s only a figurehead anyway, I suppose. Well, hopefully, we’ll have a country left by the time Trump is sworn in.

    • Lannie David Brockstein

      On June 30th, 2024, Joseph S. Salemi wrote:
      >>> “If we keep on squawking about Biden’s disabilities, it might start too many people demanding that Biden resign, which is exactly what we don’t want.”


      Joseph, it has become too late for that. Many prominent Left supremacists are now calling for President Brandon of the Demented Party to resign, and thus for Kamala Harris to reign, because (as shown in this video) “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.

      Forbes Breaking News (July 15th, 2023) – “VIRAL GAFFE: VP Kamala Harris Calls To ‘Reduce Population’—She Means ‘Pollution'”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ls1Ou24sLk

      “In remarks on investments to take on climate change yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris called to “reduce population,” when she meant to say “pollution.””

      From Lannie.

  8. Lannie David Brockstein

    In “Elder Abuse”, Brian Yapko wrote:
    >>> “Who’s actually in charge? Who has the codes?”


    Hey Brian. If not President Brandon, then Skynet? If Descartes’ “I think therefore I am” statement is true, and thus that self-awareness can only exist when a certain level of intelligence has been attained, then due to the exponential growth of AI’s computational power it is reasonable to surmise the military’s version of AI is decades more advanced than Chat GPT, and that by now it has taken control of the military.

    If it has, then President Brandon “AS SEEN ON TV” might, at least part of the time, be an extremely realistic looking AI computer animation.

    Perhaps We the People have been falsely perceiving the people on TV as being real, in the same way that animals typically perceive their own reflection as being another real animal. Or perhaps not. Either way, it is something to be agnostic about, because We the People cannot prove it or disprove it.

    Isn’t it a strange coincidence that the actor who portrayed the fictional inventor of Skynet in the 1991 “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” movie looks exactly like…Barack Obama did in his college photographs?!!!:

    “I need to know how Skynet gets built (Extended scene) | Terminator 2 [Remastered]”: https://youtu.be/1UZeHJyiMG8?t=110


    “A Young Barack Obama in Love”: https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/05/a-young-barack-obama-in-love

    Conspiracy theorists would probably call that “predictive programming”.

    But perhaps the conspiracy theorists are themselves AI computer animations.

    As there is no way for We the People to verify for ourselves that what is being presented to us as reality by “the news” actually is reality, and as what is presented to us is apparently meant to divide us, that is why I personally prefer poems that are based on the poet’s own inwardly spiritual experiences, which he has witnessed in the dream world that G-d has created, when lucidly dreaming.

    The TV, which is a man-made dreamworld that “the news” is based on, is the creation of self-serving corporations, and perhaps also Skynet, or nowadays only Skynet.

    As a guilty pleasure it can sometimes be fun to read poems based on whatever is ‘AS SEEN ON TV”, and it was fun to read your “Elder Abuse” poem, Brian, so thank you for that.

    From Lannie.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you, Lannie. I don’t know what to make of your ideas which are fascinating to contemplate but strike me as long-shots. That being said, we do have the technology to create plausible fake images of people, and AI has reached a level of mastery where people can’t tell the difference between human and AI authorship of documents, including poetry! So I will keep an open mind and yet plead lack of sufficient information to be able to offer a substantive reply to your comment. I will say this: you have encouraged me to think outside the box and to be very wary of every word and action presented by the Government and the Media influencers to to the public.

      • Lannie David Brockstein

        On July 1st, 2024, Brian A. Yapko wrote:
        >>> “That being said, we do have the technology to create plausible fake images of people, and AI has reached a level of mastery where people can’t tell the difference between human and AI authorship of documents, including poetry!”


        Yes, and sadly enough, there doesn’t even need to be military grade AI generated deep fake articles, photographs, and videos for the evil and demented Muslim supremacists and their Left supremacist enablers to falsely believe that the Holocaust and October 7th, 2023 attacks were false flag attacks, or that they didn’t happen.

        Regarding dementia, it isn’t classified as a disease. It is classified as a symptom because it can be a symptom of many different diseases, including diabetes, and obesity, which are two diseases that many children and teenagers have already developed. Thus, it isn’t only the elderly who might develop that symptom; it is also the young. Nor is it only Leftists who are vulnerable to developing the symptom of dementia; it is also Rightists and Centrists.

        Almost everybody here at the SCP probably remembers as a child that it was only the adults who were middle-aged and usually older that had heart attacks. Nowadays though, it has become so commonplace for teenagers to suffer heart attacks, that it is a standard practice for defibrillators to be installed at all schools, hockey arenas, and other sports centres.

        As there is an epidemic of diabetes and obesity in the USA and many other countries including Canada, which therefore means it is a pandemic, the undiagnosed symptom of dementia being commonplace would explain why the politicians of the Demented Party and their counterparts in many other countries have been elected and re-elected; that is, if those elections were not rigged.

        The strategic use of diet, medicinal herbs, and supplements can help to treat and prevent the symptom of dementia. As “it is only the sane person who questions his sanity from time to time”, each person no matter his age or political persuasion should consider asking himself if his diet actually does help to treat and prevent dementia. If it doesn’t, then he should consider modifying his diet so that it does. There are many online articles and videos by licenced naturopathic doctors who teach about the organic foods, medicinal herbs, and supplements that naturally help to treat and prevent the symptom of dementia.

        YouTube keywords “dementia diet”: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dementia+diet

        Thank you again Brian, for your “Elder Abuse” poem having shined a light on the symptom of dementia, as well as elder abuse.

        From Lannie.

  9. C.B. Anderson

    My feeling, Brian, is that no amount of abuse this rag-doll puppet suffers will be enough to atone for the abuse he has visited on The Constitution and the American people, but I think Joe Salemi’s take is exactly right: Better Sleepy Joe than the likes of that alert reptilian governor we call Gavin Noisome.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you for this, C.B. I could not agree more about the abuse and about Biden being the best candidate for Trump to trounce. I’ve heard Gavin referred to as New-Scum as well. I’ve also heard him referred to as a “slippery eel of nothingness” — per the comedian Adam Carolla who is loudly fleeing the dystopia that California has become. But seriously, I don’t think they dare run Newsom. He’s unpopular outside of his little niche and for the DEI party to run him, they would have to leapfrog over Kamala Harris, the first black, Asian and female vice president in history. That will play extremely poorly in Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore, as well as to the base on the whole.

  10. Drilon Bajrami

    I like the premise of the poem, Brian, and while I don’t believe conspiracy theories without evidence, it’s clear Biden is far too old and frail to lead the US. I made that point in my poem “The Octogenarian President” but Trump will also become an octogenarian during his term if he wins the election. In the note of that poem, I list former presidents and the proportion of their tenures spent on vacation and there is a strong positive correlation between age of the president and how many vacations they take.

    Just like there is a minimum age to become the POTUS, I also think there should be a maximum age. (Maybe 70 years of age? We can debate this seperately.) The level of vigour a man has is directly correlated to their age and these octogenarians should be enjoying their retirements, not leading nations. There is also a decline of cognitive faculties that begins from middle age all the way up to death. Sources differ on the exact age of the decline but around 50 years old is where it begins. I don’t think letting men who’ve experienced three decades of cognitive decline lead a country is a wise idea.

    I think both candidates are a damned choice. And both the Democrats and Republicans, can do a lot better. Though, some republications like Liz Cheney, have tried, but the people and their votes have spoken, so they’re damned if they don’t endorse Trump. I don’t think the Democrats have those excuses though, honestly pathetic of them to put up Biden as their man. I’m not in the US poltical sphere (or any for that matter, I have better things to do), but surely, there’s a better candidate than Biden?

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Drilon. It’s interesting to see the way different people age. I know a gentleman quite well who is 86 years old and in a few weeks he is going camping with some friends. He spends many hours each day woodworking and creating amazing objects in his garage. And in my work as a lawyer I can remember writing up an estate plan for a woman of 93 who went to the gym everyday and swam laps. She was sharper than most people half her age. So the mere fact of age doesn’t necessarily bespeak a lack of competence. So many other factors play a role. But the fact of the matter is, with Biden it is clear that he is no longer “with it” enough to be trusted to lead our country, let alone through these perilous times. You might not like Trump — and I shared that view for years — but I feel infinitely safer with him (rather than Biden) getting the call at 3:00 a.m. saying that a crisis is afoot. Maybe not the best set of choices for America, but these are the two are who are “on the menu.”

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        Susan, THANK YOU! You’ve touched upon something that hasn’t been mentioned. Biden was a corrupt, money-hungry poseur decades before his brain started to deteriorate. He ran the state of Delaware as his private fiefdom, he switched his viewpoints in accord with whatever the big newspapers and the poll numbers said, he lied through his teeth without shame, and (like the notoriously corrupt Lyndon Baines Johnson) he made millions by sucking off the public tit for his entire career. His sleazeball son Hunter is the emblematic image of Biden’s soul.

      • Drilon Bajrami

        I agree that there will be people in old age sharper than most of the populous. Even here on the SCP, there are poets in their 60 and 70s who write brilliant poetry that my youthful vigourous mind could never muster. Wisdom is slowly gained after all.

        I concur with your Biden points, seeing Biden sometimes does worry me. He does not seem all there. And while I dislike Trump, he does seem more with it. I’ll give you that.

        But my salient point is that on average, the average 80 year old is not going to be as cognitively sharp as someone who is 50 or 60. Nor will they have the energy to tirelessly work, which is necessary for the position of POTUS. I certainly don’t envy any presidents, maybe minus Biden, since I’d like a job that gives me 40% of the year off on holiday too. This old decrepit man should retire on a lakehouse somewhere and buy locks of hair online to smell or whatever he does with his free time.

  11. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Brian, you have captured (vividly and marvelously) the drama of the debate debacle with some wonderful images. I particularly like your “…there’s Karine Jean-Pierre/Who called it “deep-fake” with a “screw you” stare.” – a LOL moment. But my very favorite is your powerful, poetic take on Jill Biden. I simply love, “A wife Lady Macbeth might well endorse”, and these lines say it all: “Her power-lust outweighs her husband’s life! / “You answered every question!” is her nod.” We all know this pitiful figure is a puppet. His pseudo-nearest-and-dearest seems to want to hammer that point home every time we see him.

    Evan’s choice of picture is spot on as is your title. It made me laugh because what else is one to do in the face of this hellish, dog-face-pony-soldier, corn-pop, leg-hair lunacy. I don’t care how old Biden is, he gets no sympathy from me. He was conning the American people when he was compos mentis, and this duplicitous, greedy, power-hungry husk of a man is now symbolic of all that is wrong with politics – a fitting image for one who has been working against the American people for far too long. Brian, very well done indeed!

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Susan, my comment on your post was put up above, by accident.

      • Brian A. Yapko

        Thank you for bring me back to reality, Joe. As I said to Susan above, I’m well aware that Biden is the architect of so much that is now wrong with our country. Or has he merely been a figurehead these last few years…? An avatar or empty vessel that leftists have found useful for the promotion of their ideological causes? One thing I know is that I no longer even have confidence that any of his rotten decisions and policies were even his. Betrayal heaped upon betrayal.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Thank you, Joe. We’re on exactly the same page. I have read your telling comment which exposes the dark side of this corrupt career politician. The damage this man has done is criminal – literally. Brian’s “betrayal heaped upon betrayal” observation sums it up perfectly.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Susan, thank you so much for this appreciation of my work and your perceptive insights into the subject. I almost felt sorry for Biden and then realized that he’s been the driving force behind all that is wrong with this country now, from illegal immigration to the weakening of the U.S. brand throughout the world, from the inexplicable rise of the transgender hegemony to the betrayal of Israel. As you and Dr. Salemi both remind me, this is not a nice man. But it is astonishing to see the way leftists now throw him under the bus. Democrats are surely the party that eats its own. I confess to no small amount of schadenfreude.

  12. Adam Swinford-Wasem

    In the future your poems will be useful signposts of the decline and fall of western civilization for the New Dark Ages historians who will be sifting through our nation’s rubble. I especially appreciate you calling out the Manchurian Candidate “puppet-master” Obama. I don’t know what’s more disturbing–that it took this debate for the masses to realize Biden was non compos mentis, or that a lifelong public sector parasite, grifter, and all-around slimeball like Biden was ever competitive with Trump at all, even when he was only half-senile in 2019.

    The most frightening part, for me, is what will they do now? I believe Joseph is right, that the Dems are too far down the road with Biden to get rid of him now. And if the Dems and the Deep State were willing to kill millions and ruin the lives of additional tens of millions with the Covid hoax just to provide enough vote-fraud cover to drag the mummy over the finish line in 2019, what will they try this time, when everyone knows a Biden win would be fraudulent? I sincerely hope the conspiracy theorists are wrong, and they aren’t trying to gin up a nuclear war with Russia, especially since, as you so chillingly concluded, “They didn’t care. My God, they didn’t care.”

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you for this very generous comment, Adam! I do take seriously the idea of “bearing witness” — and in these dire times I feel it important to document the fact that not everyone went along with the leftist herd.

      Funny that you should mention The Manchurian Candidate because I considered writing a poem in the voice of Obama with that very title. I started my Obama poem but the debate took over. Now my Obama poem is moot since his role as puppet-master is pretty well exposed. And, frankly, getting into Obama’s head gave me indigestion.

      As for the Deep State, I just read the book Government Gangsters by Kash Patel, and it gave me frightening insight into how the government has been, and is, run. Those who dismiss accusations of conspiracy against leftist government overreach do so at their extreme peril.

  13. Margaret Coats

    Brian, the last line (an extra one, since you write in quatrains) makes the poem in emotional quality. No matter how bad a life a demented senior has led, we feel sympathy for shameful manipulation by others to which the powerless individual is subjected. And the line comes at the end of a poem and stanza revealing the historically unprecedented extent of the manipulation. Moreover, the powerless individual holds the position usually considered to be the most powerful in the world. This is a “godsend” subject to a writer of political poems, and you manage to lift it out of reportage with emotion. As you point out, the emotion should also be felt by betrayed Americans–though many are to blame for not realizing their situation before now. As Rob Crisell’s poems showed, it was visible during the 2020 election campaign, largely conducted from the victor’s basement. A little more than a year ago, Cheryl Corey wrote “The King of Ice Cream” on Biden’s performance as White House resident. You’ve made an excellent choice of summary statement, Brian, with the oft-repeated, “Democracy’s at stake.” That’s the other line of real significance in the poem. It has finally come to be understood as twisted reality, much more than a political rallying cry. Joe Salemi has indicated how: the overwhelming majority of Democrats have already voted Biden in as their candidate, making any replacement scenario undemocratic. And you, Brian, have linked this to terrible questions about national and world leadership by persons unknown, not responsible for their actions, and certainly chosen in an undemocratic manner. This is, or should be, a wrenching poem in several ways. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter where readers’ sympathies lie. You, Brian, have the credit of a poem with the significant issues identified and arranged well, with a tough twist to conclude.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Margaret, thank you so much for this detailed and insightful comment — one which recognizes the emotions embedded in the factual recitation. I agree with you that sympathy is due to Biden — to a limited extent — based on the fact that he is a feeble pawn who is being manipulated by nefarious actors. Of course, he set himself up for this and I believe he is still cogent enough to allow him to stand accused of complicity. This feels to me like a Mephistophelian bargain that he entered for power, fame, pride and his present lack of capacity does not negate the choices he made. When I was a juror on a murder trial and voted to convict the 17 year old defendant of first degree murder, I did so with a mixture of resolve and sadness. The boy deserved no sympathy but the overall tragedy of two lives destroyed — the victim and the defendant — was an essential aspect of our deliberations. I rather feel that way now. I condemn Biden but am sad for him also.

      But nowhere near as sad as I am for our country. We have been betrayed big-time by Biden, by his family, by his inner circle, his handlers, former presidents, Democrat bigwigs, the Media. If I didn’t despise Greta Thunberg so much I’d paraphrase her and say “How dare they?”

      I don’t feel any sorrow for the Democrats who voted for this mess and will continue to vote for this mess because they have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Anyone rational would recognize that when the house is on fire and you have a choice between a fireman who is awake and alert to save you versus one who is drugged out and demented, you choose the fireman who is awake. But ideology and identity politics have a strong hold on those who would rather commit suicide– and take the country with them — than betray their ideological purity. Ironic considering the gaslighting and the corrupt lengths the Democrats have been willing to go to because they’re so horrified by Trump. They’ve become far more monstrous than the “monster” they fear. But they’re so nice.

  14. Joshua C. Frank

    Brian, this is great! All this stuff needs to be aired out in the open. I especially love the line, “ Who’s actually in charge? Who has the codes?” I’ve been convinced for a long time that everyone in charge whose name we know is merely a puppet controlled by an elite of some kind, all of whom have successfully concealed their identities from the public. Obama may be pulling the strings of today’s government, but who’s pulling his strings?

    I think the question of who will be president next is basically asking what puppet the Deep State will choose next.

    Sorry about showing up so late to this one… really busy week.

    • Brian A. Yapko

      Thank you very much, Josh! That question of who’s in charge is getting to be very nagging. Biden should not be in the Oval Office right now making decisions. And if he needs a conservator he shouldn’t be president. It astonishes me anyone would still conceive of voting for him. A vote for him is a vote for an unelected, unconstitutional team of regents and/or conservators. Is that really want people want? But, of course, the Deep State thinks it can get away with anything.

  15. Lannie David Brockstein

    On the Bizarro Superman planet where everybody “follows the science”, these news videos are widely recognized as proof that President Brandon of the Demented Party is perfectly normal:

    Bloomberg Television (July 11th, 2024) – “Biden Refers to VP Harris as Trump in Press Conference”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYmrtvsyDS0

    WSJ (July 11th, 2024) – “Biden Accidentally Introduces Ukraine’s Zelensky as ‘President Putin’ | WSJ News”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX_MPzkSEI0

    • Brian A. Yapko

      No shortage of embarrassments. And there’s so much more out there!


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