. Answers for the Human Poetry vs. ChatGPT Poetry Quiz Question 1: Villanelle B is the correct answer: ‘Camino D’Oro’ (A Villanelle) by Robert Walton: https://classicalpoets.org/2016/06/11/camino-doro-a-villanelle-by-robert-walton/ Question 2: Limerick A is the correct answer: This limerick is by Nivedita Karthik https://classicalpoets.org/2018/10/10/three-limericks-by-nivedita-karthik/ Question 3: Haiku C is the correct answer: This haiku is by Patricia A. Marsh https://classicalpoets.org/2020/08/15/the-17-best-haiku-of-2020/ Question 4: Sonnet A is the correct answer: This sonnet is by James A. Tweedie https://classicalpoets.org/2019/07/13/three-sonnets-in-an-antiquated-style-by-james . . NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.