female boxer (L) competing against a transgender male boxer‘Boycott the Bullies’: A Poem for the Real Women Boxers, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 4, 2024 Culture, Pantoum, Poetry 37 Comments . Boycott the Bullies —a pantoum for the real women boxers at the Paris Olympics Don’t let a slappy chap punch out your lights. Refuse the bruise of hairy rounds with guys. It’s time to block woke blokes from female fights Before they’re holding every golden prize. Refuse the bruise of hairy rounds with guys. Coldshoulder cocky rogues of ballsy gall Before they’re holding every golden prize. Ignore them or they’ll wreck and ruin all. Coldshoulder cocky rogues of ballsy gall. Snub toxic boxers—wolves of sheepish grin. Ignore them or they’ll wreck and ruin all. Don’t ever let a glaring liar win. Snub toxic boxers—wolves of sheepish grin. Ban every man who’s out to fix your features. Don’t ever let a glaring liar win— Never mix with women-zapping creatures. Ban every man who’s out to fix your features. It’s time to block woke blokes from female fights. Never mix with women-zapping creatures— Don’t let a slappy chap punch out your lights. . . Susan Jarvis Bryant is a poet originally from the U.K., now living on the Gulf Coast of Texas. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. Trending now: 37 Responses Cheryl Corey August 4, 2024 Is “slappy chap” a British expression? And “block woke blokes” is quite the tongue twister! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Cheryl, thank you for reading and commenting. “Happy chappy” is a term I grew up with in the UK. It’s mainly used to describe cheerful young lads. I just grabbed it and pummeled it out of all recognition until it surrendered to my poetic whim, crushed on the Olympic canvas of senseless symbolism. Reply Yael August 4, 2024 This is good and well-rhymed advice Susan, I’m just astonished that the female boxers and their coaches can’t figure this out on their own. I hope they will get to read your poem soon. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Yael, thank you very much. You and I are thinking along the same lines… these female boxers and coaches need to read my poem now – before the only women boxers we see in the ring are men. Can’t these women see that they’re assisting these men in kicking all women out of the boxing ring permanently? Please note my question only applies to those who know the difference between a male and a female. Reply Joseph S. Salemi August 5, 2024 This is a problem today with many sports, where fake women (trannies) are using their legal status to take over the prize money in what used to be activities limited to the female sex. Males who couldn’t even make the first cut in competition with other males simply declare themselves female, and push real women aside to win prizes in women’s sports. What’s amazing is how many liberals are stupid enough to defend this absurdity. I once argued with some stupid trannie, and he screamed “I have a legal document in my pocket that states that I am a WOMAN!” I said “You’ve got something between your legs that says you’re not.” If your brain-dead government can declare by legal fiat that a man is a woman, or vice-versa, then you are living under a government that is illegitimate, and that does not deserve your loyalty, respect, or support. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Joe, thank you very much indeed! Your closing paragraph says it all and the day will dawn for those dancing in clown world to the tune of their mocking overlords who twist the law according to their whim. All will become clear when they fall from the winding path of wokeness… and they will – history says so. Reply Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 It’s not just legal transsexualism that makes our government illegitimate. The Constitution promises that the government will defend us from invasion, yet illegals are allowed to invade freely through the southern border, which means the Constitution is null and void as a contract. Reply Mark Stellinga August 5, 2024 As always, very well composed, Susan, and you touch on a subject Connie and I are also vehemently opposed to. If only the gals around the world would coagulate and refuse to participate in ANY athletic event where ‘cocky rogues of ballsy gall’ are permitted to compete, most promoters and athletic directors, by far, I’m betting big, would, begrudgingly, put an end to this absolute bullshit. I refer you to a piece Evan recently posted of mine that clearly shares this sentiment – https://classicalpoets.org/2023/05/17/so-much-for-legitimate-womens-sports-and-other-poetry-by-mark-stellinga/ and am shamefully piggy-backing your top-notch piece with another little diddy that does as well – The ‘All-Girl’ Band — That Wasn’t! Bubba-Joe Rodriguez and his buddy, Liam Schwarting, formed themselves – in ’95 – an ‘all-girl’ country band – Despite the fact that each of them was actually born a boy – which rendered them — in ‘wokie’ realms — a group in great demand! For all their – ‘alterations’ – it was downright hard to tell that none of them were female – in the true sense of the word – And when they held their concerts, with the lights down super low – most the folks were mostly pleased with most o’ what they heard. Though estrogen had greatly raised the key in which they sang – despite the ‘femmy’ clothes they wore they couldn’t convince their fans That all the rumors goin’ ’round could possibly be true — that every single member of their band could be — a ‘trans’! But ‘trans’ they were! They’d all gone through the surgery required to render them what easily passed for female – head to toe! Liam handled lead guitar and sang from time to time… but most the singin’ – most by far – was done by Bubba-Joe. Liam sang the alto parts…Bubba sang the tenor… and either one – when needed – could soprano like a chick! And when the two would harmonize you’d never have believed that each of them – despite their lofty voices – had a —- ‘thingie’! Sadly, late one Friday night, whilst playin’ out in Vegas, Chester Flatt – the fiddle player — standin’ next to Liam — Accidentally snagged his bow on Liam’s open blouse an’ yanked his massive ‘falsies’ out to where the fans could see ’em! Someone in the crowd exclaimed — “I guess the rumor’s true! What we’ve thought were ‘fillies’ are but — fellers-in-disguise — An’ I ain’t drivin’ 90 miles an’ trashin’ 80 bucks ever again — to see a pack o’ — gender-altered-guys!” ‘Hi to Mike’ – Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Mark, thank you for your comment and your poem that says so much! Who would have thought we would reach the brink of insanity and be cheering the madness on as if nothing has happened. If men can be women just by saying they’re a woman, then women, women’s rights, and everything that makes a woman a woman no longer exist. Reply Mike Bryant August 5, 2024 You’re right, Susan. We know there aren’t enough real men in Paris to stop this farce… are there enough real woman boxers that will stand together? https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2024/08/04/boxing-exec-olympics-were-warned-about-fighter-failed-iba-gender-tests/ Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Sadly, it’s frowned upon to be a real man… that’s why men buy tickets to watch other men box women in sporting events. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson August 5, 2024 This is an excellent pantoum replete with jarring jabs and perfect punches for the farce that continues to unnecessarily plague all sports these days! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Thank you very much, Roy. You’re right, this is “the farce that continues to unnecessarily plague all sports these days!” In fact, where the boxing is concerned, I would go on to say it’s far more than a farce – it’s utterly cruel and sick. Since when have civilized nations considered a male punching a female for sport fair and enjoyable? I am appalled. Reply Brian A. Yapko August 5, 2024 Absolutely perfect, Susan! Perfect use of the pantoum form (those repetends are great for a sporting event which involves repetitive motions as well as repetitive rounds), brilliant use of rhyme and poetic devices. This one is full of lines which would be funny if they weren’t so infuriating. The centerpiece for me is the line “It’s time to block woke blokes from female fights.” That is, after all, the righteous message here. The tongue-twisting alliteration and assonance is funny, but the fact is: biological men should not be competing in women’s sports, PERIOD. Is that fair to transgenders? Well, men — whether they wear a dress or not — are always welcome to compete against other men now, aren’t they? Secondly, if someone decides that they are going to transition into another gender, isn’t that decision on them? Why must all of society suffer from their decision? Why do they think there will be no consequences from such a decision? They are such children. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Brian, I’m glad your fine eye has spotted all those little poetic touches I’ve tried to incorporate to get a strong message across in an entertaining fashion. I hoped the dry humor and repeating lines would highlight this lunacy effectively. It’s a message that needs to be heard before women are trampled into the boxing ring canvas of history. When you say that “biological men should not be competing in women’s sports, PERIOD.” you are right. And men who declare themselves “transgender” are still men, just as fat people who declare themselves “trans-slender” are still fat. I believe the reason we’re even discussing this is because our draconian overlords are humiliating us. If the powers that be can get “we the people” to believe men are women, then we will believe that they have our best interests at heart… even when they employ bioweapons, gag us, jab us, and lock us in our own homes for months on end. Let’s hope all that’s just a conspiracy theory that never comes to be. Brian, thank you for your fine eye and for saying it as it is! Reply Cynthia Erlandson August 5, 2024 Great poem, Susan, with one of your trademarks: internal rhyme in almost every line! Ever since the large muscular swimmer who called himself a woman took a medal away from Riley Gaines, I’ve thought that women athletes should all go on strike until this inexcusable nonsense is put to a stop. If they didn’t show up to compete, how long would this last? I can’t help thinking that somewhere behind the scenes of feminism, starting with “women’s liberation”, there were men making plans to overturn it by setting things up so there is supposedly no definition of “woman”. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Cynthia, you make a great point on the strike front. If the men had no women to compete with, there wouldn’t be this problem. There’s a harsh lesson to be learned here. Women and men are not physically equal. Men and women have been told for decades they are until the modern feminist women have the attitude that there’s nothing a man can do that a woman can’t do better. Men have been emasculated to the point where they can’t even open a door for a woman out of politeness, let alone stand up for her in a fight. The modern-day feminists are their own worst enemies. I believe in equality where equality is due. Pitting a man against a woman in a boxing ring doesn’t rise to the level of equal opportunity. It needs to stop because physically, we are not equally matched. Thank you very much Cynthia! Reply Joseph S. Salemi August 5, 2024 You know, Cynthia, I believe this problem (and many others in the contemporary world) come about because of sheer ideological paralysis. The theorist James Burnham (himself an ex-Communist) pointed out in the 1960s that the Soviet Union’s Central Committee was unable to write or sanction a modern history of their country, for the simple reason that there were so many ideological flip-flops, missteps, disasters, and contradictions in the period from 1917 onwards that a historian would find it impossible to explain or finesse them all while remaining loyal to the fixed dogma of Marxist theory. The Kronstadt Rebellion, the Red Terror, the Trotskyite split, the Ukrainian Holomodor, the GULAG, the Moscow Show Trials, the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Katyn Massacres — there was no way on earth that Marxists could write a history of the Soviet Union while remaining in step with received Party-Line political theory. In other words, pure ideological paralysis. The exact same thing is true about the ideology of gender neutrality and trannie-ism in today’s left-liberal worldview. These doctrines are fixed, like the ex cathedra Papal pronouncements in the Catholic Church. So if you have committed yourself to the belief that sex and gender roles are mere social constructs that are alterable by surgery or simply by self-identification, then you cannot under any circumstances deny a male boxer the right to get into the ring with a real woman, and slug her in the face. The male boxer identifies as a woman, and THAT’S THAT. Period. No further discussion. The same holds for any discussion of the differences in mental ability among various racial types. The ideological dogma is that THEY DO NOT EXIST, and therefore any tests or analyses or empirical evidence demonstrating that they do must be ignored or suppressed or censored. After all, if our ideological belief-system says that they do not exist, well then — they do not exist. This is what it means to be a left-liberal: you are a true fundamentalist believer in the various dogmatic commitments of The Left-Liberal Church, and you allow nothing on earth (including your eyes, ears, and brains) to swerve you away from those sacred beliefs. Like a Bible-thumping, Holy-Roller Baptist, you will never, ever lose the Faith. Reply Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 Actually, if you read the writings of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, all the evils of modern feminism are to be found in their words. Feminism leads to the destruction of femininity and masculinity as surely as Islam leads to the horrors for which the Muslim world is infamous. Feminism is contrary to nature. Men, not women, are made to be leaders; women are made to be helpers to their husbands. That traditional cultures all over the world understand this shows that we don’t even need divine revelation to know this. When we go against the natural moral law written on every human heart, we suffer for it. I don’t like transsexualism any more than the next person, but it’s the logical conclusion of feminism. Not just because the idea of economic interchangeability of the sexes naturally leads to the idea of biological interchangeability, but also because when women take over men’s roles, where are men supposed to go? From the perspective of men displaced by feminism, transsexualism offers a way out. So anyone who claims to hate transsexualism but defends feminism is (there is no nice way to say it) a hypocrite. Reply Paul A. Freeman August 7, 2024 ‘Men, not women, are made to be leaders; women are made to be helpers to their husbands.’ I wonder what Margaret Thatcher or QE I and II would have thought about this, as well as all the trailblazing female members of the SCP. And why does ‘helper’ sound like a euphemism when you use it in this context? Mike Bryant August 7, 2024 Paul, thanks for letting everyone know what the approved view is this week. It is rather odd that you are holding Margaret Thatchers up, even though she is hardly an approved woman… way too old-fashioned, right? And the Queens… the monarchy and all the terrible colonialism… tut, tut…. Thank you for mentioning Susan’s trailblazing efforts, however are you really trying to drive a wedge between men and women here at SCP? Isn’t that the job of our governments? I don’t think they need any help. Joshua C. Frank August 7, 2024 Why don’t you read their comments on my poems on the subject and find that out for yourself? Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Paul, defending potential Supreme Court justices when they refuse to define the term woman because they’re not a biologist leads to this cruelty. Only in this planned, one-world utopia could men beating the hell out of women become an Olympic sport. To overlook this huge issue in order to cast a mote out of your brother’s eye is the problem – the very problem I mentioned to Lannie in my comment below. Paul, as I’ve said before we are friends NOT enemies. When we all work that one out this insanity will stop. Joseph S. Salemi August 7, 2024 Since Paul is a member of the Left-Liberal Church, his religion forbids him from accepting the idea that women might be naturally suited to be helpmates and supporters rather than leaders. But when we bring up excellent examples of tough, right-wing female leaders like Jeane Kirkpatrick or Giorgia Meloni or Condoleezza Rice, or some of the articulate conservative ladies who post at the SCP, his “wires get crossed,” as we say in Noo Yawk, and he doesn’t know which way to turn. That’s what I have described as “ideological paralysis,” in one of my posts above. Warren Bonham August 5, 2024 I keep thinking that one of these days they’ll go too far but it may take female athletes actually going on strike (as Cynthia suggested) for all the craziness to come to an end. I continue to be amazed by how quickly you can create high quality and impactful poetry. Another great effort. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Thank you very much indeed, Warren. I know you constantly keep our eye on the sane path in this insane world with your poetry, so your comment means a lot. Cynthia is spot on with the strike strategy. It seems many don’t understand the power of sticking together – if we all stood up for the truth, the outrageous lies would shrink in the power of the collective voice. I’m beginning to wonder exactly how many people out there believe in the gender-fluid lie. I’m worried. Reply C.B. Anderson August 6, 2024 What I find most peculiar is how so many sheeple who would frown on bullying have hastened to institutionalize it. I’d like to see Kamala Harris step into the ring with, say, J.D. Vance. Reply Cynthia Erlandson August 6, 2024 What a fun thought! He could “be a woman” for just that one day, right? Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 6, 2024 C.B., what a great point. Now it’s just fine for men to punch women all because we are told (by scientists, no less) that men who identify as women ARE women. And yes, I’m with you and Cynthia, let’s see the woman who supports this abuse of women in the boxing ring with a big, bearded competitor. Reply Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 Susan, this is great! As usual, you write about things that need to be written about with your usual poetic skill. What I can’t get over is how recently someone who predicted this would have been laughed out of the room, and yet here we are. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Thank you, Josh. I’m right with you on your closing observation – how true. Reply Lannie David Brockstein August 7, 2024 Susan, the speaker in your “Boycott the Bullies” poem is right to criticize gender confused boxers being permitted to participate in women’s boxing events. Also, your poem begs the question: As gender confused boxers do not want to compete against male boxers, and as female boxers do not want to compete against gender confused boxers, why isn’t there a separate boxing event at the Olympics that is specifically for gender confused boxers to beat the hell out of each other? From Lannie. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Thank you, Lannie. You pose an excellent question – a rational solution to a problem that the powers that be created and don’t want solved. If this problem were solved, we would all be jogging along nicely in a sunny environment with no need for government control. In a tyrannical society peaceful solutions simply don’t fly. Constant drama, which involves pitting the masses against each other and humiliating them into the bargain, is necessary for them to maintain their iron-fisted hold all in the guise of care… ingenious, devious, and age-old. Reply Mike Bryant August 7, 2024 Lannie, I’m sure that the men who are boxing women are not confused at all. They are in it for the money. As for having more categories than men and women at the Olympics… that would be idiotic. These guys make up a very small percentage of the population. Why, I wonder, doesn’t the woman-to-man version of this contagion show up in the men’s competitions? Because they know they cannot compete. There is nothing confusing about any of this. Susan is right… this is just one more way that our governments are dividing and conquering. Reply Margaret Coats August 8, 2024 Good choice of a boxing coach’s voice for the repetitive slams of a pantoum. I hope a few female boxers haven’t already had their heads punched so much that they can’t see straight about advice like yours, Susan. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant August 9, 2024 Thank you, Margaret. You make a valid point about the female boxers seeing straight. Let’s hope they will soon see that fighting men is futile and standing together and refusing to do so will put a stop to this insanity. If women continue to pretend this is fair, I predict we are heading for all male competitors in women’s boxing, and all women’s sports. Reply Dave Whippman September 12, 2024 Another witty and pertinent poem from you, Susan. (I’ve not been here much recently due to family reasons, by the way.) Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Cheryl Corey August 4, 2024 Is “slappy chap” a British expression? And “block woke blokes” is quite the tongue twister! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Cheryl, thank you for reading and commenting. “Happy chappy” is a term I grew up with in the UK. It’s mainly used to describe cheerful young lads. I just grabbed it and pummeled it out of all recognition until it surrendered to my poetic whim, crushed on the Olympic canvas of senseless symbolism. Reply
Yael August 4, 2024 This is good and well-rhymed advice Susan, I’m just astonished that the female boxers and their coaches can’t figure this out on their own. I hope they will get to read your poem soon. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Yael, thank you very much. You and I are thinking along the same lines… these female boxers and coaches need to read my poem now – before the only women boxers we see in the ring are men. Can’t these women see that they’re assisting these men in kicking all women out of the boxing ring permanently? Please note my question only applies to those who know the difference between a male and a female. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi August 5, 2024 This is a problem today with many sports, where fake women (trannies) are using their legal status to take over the prize money in what used to be activities limited to the female sex. Males who couldn’t even make the first cut in competition with other males simply declare themselves female, and push real women aside to win prizes in women’s sports. What’s amazing is how many liberals are stupid enough to defend this absurdity. I once argued with some stupid trannie, and he screamed “I have a legal document in my pocket that states that I am a WOMAN!” I said “You’ve got something between your legs that says you’re not.” If your brain-dead government can declare by legal fiat that a man is a woman, or vice-versa, then you are living under a government that is illegitimate, and that does not deserve your loyalty, respect, or support. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Joe, thank you very much indeed! Your closing paragraph says it all and the day will dawn for those dancing in clown world to the tune of their mocking overlords who twist the law according to their whim. All will become clear when they fall from the winding path of wokeness… and they will – history says so. Reply
Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 It’s not just legal transsexualism that makes our government illegitimate. The Constitution promises that the government will defend us from invasion, yet illegals are allowed to invade freely through the southern border, which means the Constitution is null and void as a contract. Reply
Mark Stellinga August 5, 2024 As always, very well composed, Susan, and you touch on a subject Connie and I are also vehemently opposed to. If only the gals around the world would coagulate and refuse to participate in ANY athletic event where ‘cocky rogues of ballsy gall’ are permitted to compete, most promoters and athletic directors, by far, I’m betting big, would, begrudgingly, put an end to this absolute bullshit. I refer you to a piece Evan recently posted of mine that clearly shares this sentiment – https://classicalpoets.org/2023/05/17/so-much-for-legitimate-womens-sports-and-other-poetry-by-mark-stellinga/ and am shamefully piggy-backing your top-notch piece with another little diddy that does as well – The ‘All-Girl’ Band — That Wasn’t! Bubba-Joe Rodriguez and his buddy, Liam Schwarting, formed themselves – in ’95 – an ‘all-girl’ country band – Despite the fact that each of them was actually born a boy – which rendered them — in ‘wokie’ realms — a group in great demand! For all their – ‘alterations’ – it was downright hard to tell that none of them were female – in the true sense of the word – And when they held their concerts, with the lights down super low – most the folks were mostly pleased with most o’ what they heard. Though estrogen had greatly raised the key in which they sang – despite the ‘femmy’ clothes they wore they couldn’t convince their fans That all the rumors goin’ ’round could possibly be true — that every single member of their band could be — a ‘trans’! But ‘trans’ they were! They’d all gone through the surgery required to render them what easily passed for female – head to toe! Liam handled lead guitar and sang from time to time… but most the singin’ – most by far – was done by Bubba-Joe. Liam sang the alto parts…Bubba sang the tenor… and either one – when needed – could soprano like a chick! And when the two would harmonize you’d never have believed that each of them – despite their lofty voices – had a —- ‘thingie’! Sadly, late one Friday night, whilst playin’ out in Vegas, Chester Flatt – the fiddle player — standin’ next to Liam — Accidentally snagged his bow on Liam’s open blouse an’ yanked his massive ‘falsies’ out to where the fans could see ’em! Someone in the crowd exclaimed — “I guess the rumor’s true! What we’ve thought were ‘fillies’ are but — fellers-in-disguise — An’ I ain’t drivin’ 90 miles an’ trashin’ 80 bucks ever again — to see a pack o’ — gender-altered-guys!” ‘Hi to Mike’ – Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Mark, thank you for your comment and your poem that says so much! Who would have thought we would reach the brink of insanity and be cheering the madness on as if nothing has happened. If men can be women just by saying they’re a woman, then women, women’s rights, and everything that makes a woman a woman no longer exist. Reply
Mike Bryant August 5, 2024 You’re right, Susan. We know there aren’t enough real men in Paris to stop this farce… are there enough real woman boxers that will stand together? https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2024/08/04/boxing-exec-olympics-were-warned-about-fighter-failed-iba-gender-tests/ Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Sadly, it’s frowned upon to be a real man… that’s why men buy tickets to watch other men box women in sporting events. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson August 5, 2024 This is an excellent pantoum replete with jarring jabs and perfect punches for the farce that continues to unnecessarily plague all sports these days! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Thank you very much, Roy. You’re right, this is “the farce that continues to unnecessarily plague all sports these days!” In fact, where the boxing is concerned, I would go on to say it’s far more than a farce – it’s utterly cruel and sick. Since when have civilized nations considered a male punching a female for sport fair and enjoyable? I am appalled. Reply
Brian A. Yapko August 5, 2024 Absolutely perfect, Susan! Perfect use of the pantoum form (those repetends are great for a sporting event which involves repetitive motions as well as repetitive rounds), brilliant use of rhyme and poetic devices. This one is full of lines which would be funny if they weren’t so infuriating. The centerpiece for me is the line “It’s time to block woke blokes from female fights.” That is, after all, the righteous message here. The tongue-twisting alliteration and assonance is funny, but the fact is: biological men should not be competing in women’s sports, PERIOD. Is that fair to transgenders? Well, men — whether they wear a dress or not — are always welcome to compete against other men now, aren’t they? Secondly, if someone decides that they are going to transition into another gender, isn’t that decision on them? Why must all of society suffer from their decision? Why do they think there will be no consequences from such a decision? They are such children. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Brian, I’m glad your fine eye has spotted all those little poetic touches I’ve tried to incorporate to get a strong message across in an entertaining fashion. I hoped the dry humor and repeating lines would highlight this lunacy effectively. It’s a message that needs to be heard before women are trampled into the boxing ring canvas of history. When you say that “biological men should not be competing in women’s sports, PERIOD.” you are right. And men who declare themselves “transgender” are still men, just as fat people who declare themselves “trans-slender” are still fat. I believe the reason we’re even discussing this is because our draconian overlords are humiliating us. If the powers that be can get “we the people” to believe men are women, then we will believe that they have our best interests at heart… even when they employ bioweapons, gag us, jab us, and lock us in our own homes for months on end. Let’s hope all that’s just a conspiracy theory that never comes to be. Brian, thank you for your fine eye and for saying it as it is! Reply
Cynthia Erlandson August 5, 2024 Great poem, Susan, with one of your trademarks: internal rhyme in almost every line! Ever since the large muscular swimmer who called himself a woman took a medal away from Riley Gaines, I’ve thought that women athletes should all go on strike until this inexcusable nonsense is put to a stop. If they didn’t show up to compete, how long would this last? I can’t help thinking that somewhere behind the scenes of feminism, starting with “women’s liberation”, there were men making plans to overturn it by setting things up so there is supposedly no definition of “woman”. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Cynthia, you make a great point on the strike front. If the men had no women to compete with, there wouldn’t be this problem. There’s a harsh lesson to be learned here. Women and men are not physically equal. Men and women have been told for decades they are until the modern feminist women have the attitude that there’s nothing a man can do that a woman can’t do better. Men have been emasculated to the point where they can’t even open a door for a woman out of politeness, let alone stand up for her in a fight. The modern-day feminists are their own worst enemies. I believe in equality where equality is due. Pitting a man against a woman in a boxing ring doesn’t rise to the level of equal opportunity. It needs to stop because physically, we are not equally matched. Thank you very much Cynthia! Reply
Joseph S. Salemi August 5, 2024 You know, Cynthia, I believe this problem (and many others in the contemporary world) come about because of sheer ideological paralysis. The theorist James Burnham (himself an ex-Communist) pointed out in the 1960s that the Soviet Union’s Central Committee was unable to write or sanction a modern history of their country, for the simple reason that there were so many ideological flip-flops, missteps, disasters, and contradictions in the period from 1917 onwards that a historian would find it impossible to explain or finesse them all while remaining loyal to the fixed dogma of Marxist theory. The Kronstadt Rebellion, the Red Terror, the Trotskyite split, the Ukrainian Holomodor, the GULAG, the Moscow Show Trials, the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the Katyn Massacres — there was no way on earth that Marxists could write a history of the Soviet Union while remaining in step with received Party-Line political theory. In other words, pure ideological paralysis. The exact same thing is true about the ideology of gender neutrality and trannie-ism in today’s left-liberal worldview. These doctrines are fixed, like the ex cathedra Papal pronouncements in the Catholic Church. So if you have committed yourself to the belief that sex and gender roles are mere social constructs that are alterable by surgery or simply by self-identification, then you cannot under any circumstances deny a male boxer the right to get into the ring with a real woman, and slug her in the face. The male boxer identifies as a woman, and THAT’S THAT. Period. No further discussion. The same holds for any discussion of the differences in mental ability among various racial types. The ideological dogma is that THEY DO NOT EXIST, and therefore any tests or analyses or empirical evidence demonstrating that they do must be ignored or suppressed or censored. After all, if our ideological belief-system says that they do not exist, well then — they do not exist. This is what it means to be a left-liberal: you are a true fundamentalist believer in the various dogmatic commitments of The Left-Liberal Church, and you allow nothing on earth (including your eyes, ears, and brains) to swerve you away from those sacred beliefs. Like a Bible-thumping, Holy-Roller Baptist, you will never, ever lose the Faith. Reply
Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 Actually, if you read the writings of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, all the evils of modern feminism are to be found in their words. Feminism leads to the destruction of femininity and masculinity as surely as Islam leads to the horrors for which the Muslim world is infamous. Feminism is contrary to nature. Men, not women, are made to be leaders; women are made to be helpers to their husbands. That traditional cultures all over the world understand this shows that we don’t even need divine revelation to know this. When we go against the natural moral law written on every human heart, we suffer for it. I don’t like transsexualism any more than the next person, but it’s the logical conclusion of feminism. Not just because the idea of economic interchangeability of the sexes naturally leads to the idea of biological interchangeability, but also because when women take over men’s roles, where are men supposed to go? From the perspective of men displaced by feminism, transsexualism offers a way out. So anyone who claims to hate transsexualism but defends feminism is (there is no nice way to say it) a hypocrite. Reply
Paul A. Freeman August 7, 2024 ‘Men, not women, are made to be leaders; women are made to be helpers to their husbands.’ I wonder what Margaret Thatcher or QE I and II would have thought about this, as well as all the trailblazing female members of the SCP. And why does ‘helper’ sound like a euphemism when you use it in this context?
Mike Bryant August 7, 2024 Paul, thanks for letting everyone know what the approved view is this week. It is rather odd that you are holding Margaret Thatchers up, even though she is hardly an approved woman… way too old-fashioned, right? And the Queens… the monarchy and all the terrible colonialism… tut, tut…. Thank you for mentioning Susan’s trailblazing efforts, however are you really trying to drive a wedge between men and women here at SCP? Isn’t that the job of our governments? I don’t think they need any help.
Joshua C. Frank August 7, 2024 Why don’t you read their comments on my poems on the subject and find that out for yourself?
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Paul, defending potential Supreme Court justices when they refuse to define the term woman because they’re not a biologist leads to this cruelty. Only in this planned, one-world utopia could men beating the hell out of women become an Olympic sport. To overlook this huge issue in order to cast a mote out of your brother’s eye is the problem – the very problem I mentioned to Lannie in my comment below. Paul, as I’ve said before we are friends NOT enemies. When we all work that one out this insanity will stop.
Joseph S. Salemi August 7, 2024 Since Paul is a member of the Left-Liberal Church, his religion forbids him from accepting the idea that women might be naturally suited to be helpmates and supporters rather than leaders. But when we bring up excellent examples of tough, right-wing female leaders like Jeane Kirkpatrick or Giorgia Meloni or Condoleezza Rice, or some of the articulate conservative ladies who post at the SCP, his “wires get crossed,” as we say in Noo Yawk, and he doesn’t know which way to turn. That’s what I have described as “ideological paralysis,” in one of my posts above.
Warren Bonham August 5, 2024 I keep thinking that one of these days they’ll go too far but it may take female athletes actually going on strike (as Cynthia suggested) for all the craziness to come to an end. I continue to be amazed by how quickly you can create high quality and impactful poetry. Another great effort. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 5, 2024 Thank you very much indeed, Warren. I know you constantly keep our eye on the sane path in this insane world with your poetry, so your comment means a lot. Cynthia is spot on with the strike strategy. It seems many don’t understand the power of sticking together – if we all stood up for the truth, the outrageous lies would shrink in the power of the collective voice. I’m beginning to wonder exactly how many people out there believe in the gender-fluid lie. I’m worried. Reply
C.B. Anderson August 6, 2024 What I find most peculiar is how so many sheeple who would frown on bullying have hastened to institutionalize it. I’d like to see Kamala Harris step into the ring with, say, J.D. Vance. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson August 6, 2024 What a fun thought! He could “be a woman” for just that one day, right? Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 6, 2024 C.B., what a great point. Now it’s just fine for men to punch women all because we are told (by scientists, no less) that men who identify as women ARE women. And yes, I’m with you and Cynthia, let’s see the woman who supports this abuse of women in the boxing ring with a big, bearded competitor. Reply
Joshua C. Frank August 6, 2024 Susan, this is great! As usual, you write about things that need to be written about with your usual poetic skill. What I can’t get over is how recently someone who predicted this would have been laughed out of the room, and yet here we are. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Thank you, Josh. I’m right with you on your closing observation – how true. Reply
Lannie David Brockstein August 7, 2024 Susan, the speaker in your “Boycott the Bullies” poem is right to criticize gender confused boxers being permitted to participate in women’s boxing events. Also, your poem begs the question: As gender confused boxers do not want to compete against male boxers, and as female boxers do not want to compete against gender confused boxers, why isn’t there a separate boxing event at the Olympics that is specifically for gender confused boxers to beat the hell out of each other? From Lannie. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 7, 2024 Thank you, Lannie. You pose an excellent question – a rational solution to a problem that the powers that be created and don’t want solved. If this problem were solved, we would all be jogging along nicely in a sunny environment with no need for government control. In a tyrannical society peaceful solutions simply don’t fly. Constant drama, which involves pitting the masses against each other and humiliating them into the bargain, is necessary for them to maintain their iron-fisted hold all in the guise of care… ingenious, devious, and age-old. Reply
Mike Bryant August 7, 2024 Lannie, I’m sure that the men who are boxing women are not confused at all. They are in it for the money. As for having more categories than men and women at the Olympics… that would be idiotic. These guys make up a very small percentage of the population. Why, I wonder, doesn’t the woman-to-man version of this contagion show up in the men’s competitions? Because they know they cannot compete. There is nothing confusing about any of this. Susan is right… this is just one more way that our governments are dividing and conquering. Reply
Margaret Coats August 8, 2024 Good choice of a boxing coach’s voice for the repetitive slams of a pantoum. I hope a few female boxers haven’t already had their heads punched so much that they can’t see straight about advice like yours, Susan. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant August 9, 2024 Thank you, Margaret. You make a valid point about the female boxers seeing straight. Let’s hope they will soon see that fighting men is futile and standing together and refusing to do so will put a stop to this insanity. If women continue to pretend this is fair, I predict we are heading for all male competitors in women’s boxing, and all women’s sports. Reply
Dave Whippman September 12, 2024 Another witty and pertinent poem from you, Susan. (I’ve not been here much recently due to family reasons, by the way.) Reply