‘Sonnet of the Silent Voice’ and Other Poetry by Gregory Ross The Society April 14, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 2 Comments Sonnet of the Silent Voice Unbounded power marks a tyrant’s choice: He chains the infants up to keep his throne, Refusing freedom to the silent voice. Thus, he neglects his seeds that were once...
Poetry on Dr. Ai Fen and the CCP Virus (Coronavirus) The Society April 2, 2020 Covid-19, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments The Last Words from Her Phone The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has done everything within their power to expunge Dr. Ai Fen's interview off the Internet, and now she herself is gone, the last message...
The Dark and the Light: Poetry on the CCP Virus (Novel Coronavirus) The Society March 29, 2020 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Limerick, Poetry 7 Comments As the Lights Go Out - the Last Limerick "The night cometh, when no man can work." John, 9:4 by Joe Tessitore I can tell there will be no escape From this hellishly chilling landscape Born of hatred...
A Poem on the World Health Organization’s Praise for Beijing, by Bruce Dale Wise The Society March 22, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 61 Comments The World Health Organization by Baidu Wercs Lee The WHO has praised Beijing's response to COVID-19's spread, despite the fact of all the many thousands that are dead. The Chinese first detected it...
Three Poems on the Spread of the CCP Virus (COVID-19) The Society March 17, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments The Society of Classical Poets refers to the COVID-19 coronavirus as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a...
‘Planned Barrenhood’ by Theresa Rodriguez The Society March 15, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 8 Comments Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood Moloch: ancient Canaanite god of child sacrifice Is there one in your neighborhood? The place I call Planned Barrenhood? A Margaret Sanger...
The Divine Significance of the Coronavirus: Three Poems on the Wuhan Flu The Society March 12, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 93 Comments The Crown of Wuhan by Daniel Kemper "Hast thou forgot me then?" says she of dreams, "A Goddess arm'd Out of thy head I sprung... Come see the way your princess-queen redeems your works. Do I not...
‘Candidatus Non Compos Mentis’ by Rob Crisell The Society March 11, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments Candidatus Non Compos Mentis Joe lacks the humility To see the futility Of running for office While fighting senility. With growing pugnacity, He aims his mendacity At all who object to His...
A Bernie Sanders Poem: ‘B.S., 2020’ by Joe Tessitore The Society March 4, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments Who is this finger-waving man--- this millionaire, this communist? Let’s think about him while we can, this grandpa with the Marxist twist. Our wealth, I fear, he’ll commandeer “to help the...
Two Poems on the Coronavirus by Evan Mantyk and Damian Robin The Society February 27, 2020 Covid-19, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Villanelle 7 Comments From Some Nightmarish Vial a villanelle by Evan Mantyk Did it emerge from some nightmarish vial? Is it a weapon meant for killing us, Like marching microscopic rank and file? If so, it’d sweep...
A Poem on the Coronavirus Coverup: ‘The 50¢ Army’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 21, 2020 Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 12 Comments The 50¢ Army by Lu "Reed ABCs" Wei The Chinese Communist regime, has recently dispatched some 1600 online trolls to stifle and to catch. The censors want to stop all sensitive...
‘Grieving for Columbia: A Patriot´s Lament’ by Martin Rizley The Society February 17, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 15 Comments By lamplight through the long night hours, he kept his vigil by her side, His love still fresh, though wilting flowers adorned the room on every side; He would not give her up for dead, but tended...
‘The Problem with Socialism’ by Andrew Benson Brown The Society February 7, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 22 Comments The Problem with Socialism Upon Reading Charles Murray's Coming Apart Some sit on clouds and moonburn as they dream, Skin blistered pale by light of mirrored beams, And snuggle with the shadows...
‘Song of the Rose’ and Other Poetry by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society January 27, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Love Poems, Poetry 16 Comments Song of the Rose The rose awakens, ere the sky Has wakened to the sun; And we, my one true love and I, Awaken with a tender sigh, To love until the day has run And all our pains are done. We...
Three Translations of the Poetry of Jean Froissart, by Margaret Coats The Society January 18, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Rondeau, Translation 3 Comments Translator's note: The following consists of three poems by Jehan (or Jean) Froissart (c.1335–c.1410), translated not very literally but as far as possible in the original form, with its elaborate repetition...
FoFG 2020 Poetry Contest: Adult, College, and High School Awards The Society January 15, 2020 Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Poetry Contests 1 Comment Fight for Freedom. Write for Freedom. A Great Cause, Plus Over $1,200 in Prizes and No Submission Fee. Today, the communist government of China, the world's largest nation, is attacking the basic freedom...
‘The Burning of a Flag’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society December 30, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 17 Comments by Eric Awesud Ble Adolfo Martinez, a man who hails from Ames, Iowa, was sentenced sixteen jailed-years for the burning of a flag. The thirty-year-old man purloined a raindow-coloured flag that...
‘One Last Candle’ and Other Poetry by Angel L. Villanueva The Society December 29, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments One Last Candle The angry storm approaches in the night, Its curdling howl is heard for miles around. The trees all flinch in fear of nature's smite, Then cast their sobbing leaves upon the ground. No...
The Falun Gong Practitioner: A One-Act Play The Society December 28, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Performing Arts, Poetry 13 Comments . A play in one act based on the true story of Li Zhenjun. Play by Evan Mantyk. Characters Narrator / Voice of Tradition Zhenjun “George” Li Communist Policeman 1 (CP 1) Communist Policeman 2 (CP...
‘The Feast of the Nativity’ and Other Poetry by Steve Insalaco The Society December 23, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 4 Comments The Feast of the Nativity ‘Twas the night before a brilliant star They roam the desert near and far, When they happen upon the city of light The City of David in all her might. Greeted, they are, from...
‘Sonnet: America in 2019’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society November 23, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 11 Comments by Caud Sewer Bile A deep state run by rulers lacking thought, a young, unschooled, and mad mob living low, corruption's muddy rivers running hot, a lapdog mainstream media in tow, a land...
On the Equity Meme: ‘The Rime of the Balanced Boxes’ by Ron L. Hodges The Society November 15, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry The Rime of the Balanced Boxes after Samuel Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner Part I Now, the training time had ended, The conference day was done, So, the teachers left the building, Their...
‘Moloch’ and Other Poetry by Richard Jordan The Society November 13, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 9 Comments Moloch Beneath the sands and salted fields there lies A desert land of men once prosperous And proud. They raised a gilded city With their queen, a grander one than any Left behind, free and full of...
Write a Poem on One of These Hong Kong Protest Images The Society November 12, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Ekphrastic, Poetry 14 Comments The above images are from the pro-democracy protests going on right now in Hong Kong, as the populace peacefully resists communist-controlled authorities. Today, there are no free elections in Hong...
‘Romantic Triangle, With An Ice-Pick’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society September 23, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 16 Comments In 1937, the renegade Communist Leon Trotsky (real name: Lev Bronstein) came to Mexico with his family and took up residence with the painter Diego Rivera and his wife Frida Kahlo. An affair developed between...
‘Subversive Modernism in Art’ by Sarban Bhattacharya The Society September 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 22 Comments "Progressive" mind accompanies the art Of writing poetry at present time. Great intellectuals from forms depart, And love free verse that spurns meter and rhyme. If poems be composed in such a...
Three Poems for Hong Kong Protesters, Moon Festival, 2019, by Damian Robin The Society September 13, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 2 Comments The Moon Festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is a traditional holiday that celebrates the Harvest Moon (the full moon nearest the Fall Equinox). Through Mists of Tears The moon shines...
‘Leveled Outcomes’ by Charlie Bauer The Society September 12, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 22 Comments Philosophers of Marxist ilk designed For leveled outcomes, then they slew en masse. It pleased the Nazi socialists to grind Up twenty million lives—hence, Zyklon gas. The Russian cognoscenti...
A Poem on America’s Trade War with China, by James A. Tweedie The Society September 6, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 3 Comments Calling China to Task The PRC has ways to make a foreign capitalist rich With plenty of cheap labor featured in their tempting sales pitch. And as for natural resources, they have plenty of them,...
Bryant Park Poetry Reading: Two Poems by Theresa Rodriguez (Video) The Society September 4, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, From the Society, Poetry, Readings, Video 9 Comments ...
‘An Open Letter to a Fellow Poet’ and Other Poetry by Denise Sobilo The Society September 2, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 5 Comments An Open Letter to a Fellow Poet for Adam Sedia But why against one poor poet, a hundred men? —Cyrano de Bergerac (Edmond Rostand) What dreams do come to distress needful sleep, to cause me wakeful to...
Haiku and Limericks by Joe Tessitore The Society August 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 4 Comments Haiku When a newborn cries, locked in a room by itself, does it make a sound? Fog enshrouds the night. Woven in the heavy mist, a thread of fireflies. In Time -...
‘The Captive Caesar’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 17, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 20 Comments all poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Captive Caesar by Aedile Cwerbus Though it was many years ago, millennia, in fact, it seems, like yesterday, when Caesar's ship-trip was attacked. He had gone off to...
A Poem for the 50-Year Anniversary of Woodstock, by Daniel R. Leach The Society August 15, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 16 Comments The Devil at Woodstock I was a mere sixteen that Summer day We all piled in a beat-up car and drove To Woodstock, or someplace we had been told That a great spectacle was to occur— An earth-shaking...
‘Faith’ and Other Poetry by Mike Bryant The Society August 11, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 13 Comments Faith I'm pond scum, someone said today. Some soup primordial, in a bay was struck by lightning. Oh, I see I'm wrought by electricity... then, look! it’s a bacterium who, in a deep delirium, decided...
‘Made in China’ and Other Poetry by Randal A. Burd, Jr. The Society August 2, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 3 Comments "Made in China" “Made in China” reads the label— Shattered on the coffee table: Some cheap and broken plastic toys We purchased for our girls and boys— Imports purchased which enable Labor...
‘The Woke Person’s Burden’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society July 25, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments The Woke Man’s Person’s Burden "Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and...
‘Króliki (Rabbits),’ dedicated to Tommy Robinson, by Denise Sobilo The Society July 24, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments Króliki (Rabbits) dedicated to Tommy Robinson, who was recently sentenced to more time in prison Króliki they called us (Polish having no word for guinea pig)* and so we were: scared, little white...
‘Pablo Neruda on the Passing of Joseph Stalin’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society July 22, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments Pablo Neruda on the Passing of Joseph Stalin by Wibele Escudar We must be men. That is the law that Joseph Stalin left. Sincere intensity and concrete clarity are best. He was the noon of man. Let us...
A Tribute to Gao Rongrong (Victim of Chinese Communism) by Connie Phillips The Society July 20, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 34 Comments She Walked in Beauty a tribute to Gao Rongrong* after Lord Byron’s “She Walks in Beauty” She walked in Beauty, pure as light— Like sun and moon and starlit skies Illuminate the darkest...