On Chinese Troops Marching in May Day Parade The Society May 1, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 5 Comments Written upon watching this video. Note that May Day is the international day honoring workers. Mayday on May Day By Damian Robin and Evan Mantyk With their pins and strings and force...
‘Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society April 16, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Visiting the Ruins of Tintagel Castle I wander through a forest deep __in Cornish countryside And think I see some elves asleep __And giants run to hide. The branches gnarled like magic wands, __Green...
‘Rhetorical Power’: An Interview with Joseph S. Salemi The Society April 8, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Essays, Interviews, Poetry 8 Comments By Evan Mantyk In the sea of free verse, drifting downward into the bottomless whirlpool of aesthetic relativism, it is hard to not get lost; but poet, editor, and professor Joseph S. Salemi seems to have...
‘We Forget’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society April 3, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 2 Comments We Forget How quickly we forget the people killed, Millions slaughtered to get a lie fulfilled. All those Russians in the frozen gulag, All those Chinese, dead, without epilogue, All those hearts, for...
Remaking Education From the Poetry Up The Society March 15, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Education, Essays, Poetry 8 Comments By Evan Mantyk Last year, the College Board released a significantly redesigned Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The SAT is used by millions of student applicants each year to gain admission to U.S. colleges...
Interview with Unofficial Trump Inaugural Poet Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society March 5, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Essays, Interviews, Poetry 13 Comments By Evan Mantyk One week in mid-January this year, in the relatively obscure world of poetry, Joseph Charles MacKenzie’s “Pibroch for the Domnhall” exploded like an atomic bomb, shattering...
‘Console Her With the Atheist’s Philosophy’ by Samuel Johnson The Society February 24, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 2 Comments Console her with the Atheist’s philosophy: ____Never mind! Your grandma’s dead. It’s Nature’s way of denoting an atrophy ____In the muscles, lungs and head. I mean to say her central...
Whitworth Over Whitman: A Poem by Sally Cook The Society February 6, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 41 Comments What a Wit is Worth For John Whitworth, poet Oh, Whitman was a rhymer who enjoyed to play the part Of complicating everything. It's something of an art To ramble on for pages on the pinprick of a...
‘Susan B. Anthony Upbraids Elizabeth Cady Stanton’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society February 4, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 10 Comments You’ve not come to a meeting in three years— Within the movement, there are buzzing fears That marriage has ensnared you in its cage. And frankly, I myself have reached the stage Where anger has...
Inaugural Poem for Donald J. Trump (with Audio) The Society January 15, 2017 Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives, Readings 107 Comments Pibroch of the Domhnall By Joseph Charles MacKenzie Author’s Notes: § The refrains at the end of each stanza are to be recited by the Inaugural crowd. § A Pibroch is a rallying bagpipe...
‘Scrabble-ism’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society December 20, 2016 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Scrabble-ism One night I was hangin’ with Len, Eating and watching t.v. All the pizza rolls gone, I then Suggested Monopoly. “That game is all luck!” he then said, Voice revealing some...
‘Goodbye, Sweet Fetal Child’ by Theresa Rodriguez The Society March 18, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 12 Comments Goodbye, sweet fetal child— for you shall die, Because a mother’s love is also dead: The hallowed place of nurture where you lie Shall soon become the ground where blood is shed. The battle to reject...