A Sonnet on Cleve Backster and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society July 19, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 17 Comments Sonnet IV. Cleve Backster whose work on plant perception gained wide exposure in the 1973 publication The Secret Life of Plants. While people claim the fetus has no being Worth enough to trump a...
‘These Twins’ and Other Poetry by Leo Zoutewelle The Society July 12, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments These Twins These twins came forth in one amniotic sac. They sensed the danger they had come upon And both held hands to keep that danger back: It truly was the best they could have done. Their need...
‘G-Mafia’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society June 25, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments G-Mafia "Let us now praise freedom's twilight..." —Osip Mandelstam by Esca Webuilder We live without the feeling of the country under us. We cannot hear ourselves; nobody listens to our pulse. But...
Two Ballads on Abortion The Society June 20, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 2 Comments Planned Parenthood's a Euphemism upon reading March for Life's annual report by Roy E. Peterson Planned Parenthood’s a euphemism __Covering up the murder Of babies by abortion-ism— __We must...
‘Birthday Greeting to a Doomed Child’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society June 12, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 9 Comments Birthday Greeting to a Doomed Child a song of lament decrying New York´s “birthday abortion” law, approved January 22, 2019 So, welcome to this world, little one, little one! Your first and...
‘To Conservatives’ by Carl Hildebrand The Society June 11, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 3 Comments To fight a fight on ground of your own choosing, To force the foe to battle at your pleasure Is feasible so long as you’re not losing— And so you have, so long as you remember. The Right...
A Ballad for College-bound Students, by Ron L. Hodges The Society June 6, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Short Stories 2 Comments Icarus’ Fall at College Prologue Dear reader, surely, you must think, __“What could be taught to us That we haven’t already learned __Of mythic Icarus? “His plunge is clearly a...
‘Forgetting the Tiananmen Square Massacre for 30 Years’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society June 4, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 41 Comments Forgetting the Tiananmen Square Massacre for 30 Years Robbed of life and liberty in open air, Young citizens ran out of breath inside the Square. Hot bullets opened skin to pump bright flesh holes...
‘Abortion Rites’ by Edward C. Hayes The Society May 23, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments lyrics inspired by the movie Unplanned Ms. Sally loved the parties, spent her nights out "on the town." Her door was open for the boys, whenever they came ‘round. Then one morning when she woke she knew that...
‘The Cottage in the Glen’ by Martin Rizley The Society May 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 17 Comments While driving on an April day along a winding road Through rolling hills, beside the way, I spied a small abode A little cottage in a glen below a bridge I crossed, The sight of which, had I not...
A Poem on Terrorism: ‘Why Not?’ by T.M. Moore The Society May 18, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Terrorism 6 Comments We shake our heads, and wonder, “Why?” aloud each time some speeding truck plows through a crowd, or grinning gunman gloats at blood and breath spilled and extinguished by his date with...
‘White Is A Color, Too’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society May 16, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments White Is A Color, Too It seems strange to have to say this After what that great man taught, Yet I have seen so much amiss That I fear we all forgot. I’m here to share an opinion, Which might be a...
A Poem on Euthanasia, by Ron L. Hodges The Society April 16, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 13 Comments The Life That Is Not Life “I’m getting ready for my trip now.” —Aurelia Brouwers (who chose to be euthanized at age 29 in the Netherlands) You said it was the humane thing to do __For those...
A Poem for Former Greenpeace Activist Patrick Moore, by Bruce Dale Wise The Society April 11, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, The Environment 5 Comments District E for former Greenpeace Activist Patrick Moore by Eric Awesud Ble It always was at night when people simply disappeared. Names were removed from registers; such memories were seared. The...
A Pro-life Poem: ‘In the Garden’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society April 1, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 10 Comments In the Garden In Paradise there is a place where ruby-colored roses grace the trellises of precious pearl - so splendidly their buds unfurl! She and her Child oft’ wander here among the flowers they...
A Poem from the Soviet Union, by Ryhor Krushyna The Society March 24, 2019 Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Translation 2 Comments Translated by Ihar Kazak At the door it seems I hear The stomping of evil strangers. This has been my fear for many a year And my former anxiety’s dangers. It’s an apparition in the...
‘The Black Children’ and Other Poetry by J.D. Graham The Society March 21, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 1 Comment . The Black Children In China, until rather recently, each pair of parents was allowed one kid, according to the “one-child policy.” Some parents had another, which they hid. Unregistered, these kids are...
A Poem on New York’s Abortion Law, by Amy Foreman The Society March 12, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 46 Comments Room 402: Gehenna Comes to New York (On Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Jan. 22,2019 repeal of New York’s Public Health Law § 4164) Note: “Room 402” does not refer to any specific event...
‘The Fiancé’ and Other Poetry by Sheri-Ann O’Shea The Society January 30, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments The Fiancé inspired by Anthony Trollope’s "Can you forgive her?" (1864-1865) Alice, he wants your money, honey. Alice, he wants your cash. He’d never ask you without it don’t doubt it – He’s...
‘Going Along to Get Along’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society January 27, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 61 Comments Dedicated to far too many of my contemporaries, and they know who the hell they are. I. I am the perfect poet— I strike a dainty pose. I sniff the air for floral scent And elevate my nose. I’m...
‘The Afternoon of Man’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society January 22, 2019 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments The Afternoon of Man Fourteen or so, one autumn afternoon, my homework done and supper hours away, I scuffed along on sodden paths bestrewn with yellowed leaves in woods where I’d once played. Perhaps...
‘Tbilisi თბილისი’ by Ralph C. La Rosa The Society January 12, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments (1976-1978) In Soviet Georgia, I feel linguistic shock. At first assuming residents speak Russian, I say Nyet, not Ara, igniting discussion of Moscow’s nagging, Russifying clock alarms, as predictable...
‘Time for the B.S.: Susie and Johnny Go to College’ by Amy Foreman The Society January 7, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 25 Comments a sequel to “Let’s Take the Other Bus” Welcome, young friends, to this great university. I am your counselor, Dr. Diversity, here to advise you on all of your classes and campus life, brimming with...
‘Dirty Hands’ and Other Poetry by Connie Phillips The Society January 4, 2019 Beauty, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments Dirty Hands on Communism’s evil specter The evil specter’s dirty hands Have soiled the windows to the world. It’s smeared them with the blood and tears Of millions killed throughout the...
‘Arise, You Bones’ and Other Poetry by Adam Sedia The Society January 1, 2019 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 15 Comments Arise, You Bones “Come, spirit, from the four winds, and blow upon these slain, and let them live again.” –Ezechiel 37:9 Arise, you bones of millions, scattered far, Half-buried, all forgotten, that...
‘Happy Holidaze’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society December 24, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments Happy Holidaze Our holidays we sanitize. They don’t offend or stigmatize. In fact we made them squeaky clean, but what, by jingle, do they mean? The Nutcracker: Waltz of the Flowers * A...
‘Penthouse Bolsheviks’ by Dylan Price The Society December 23, 2018 Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 5 Comments They look at you with contempt and sneer, A haughty air permeating there. "Equality" is their pernicious cheer; Floating up high on corrupted air. To battle for the poor, a...
‘The Chinese Bill of Rights’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 18, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 27 Comments The Chinese Bill of Rights In China, laws regarding human rights May keep a simple man awake at nights, Suspecting that a Mand'rin guten Morgen Might mean the harvest of a vital organ. Old Adolf...
‘Politician or Poet’ and Other Translations of Ryhor Krushyna’s Poetry The Society November 30, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Translation 8 Comments Politician or Poet When in one’s soul the politician calls forth – The poet’s voice withers and comes to naught. And poems become a bedlam of propaganda Praising the party’s agenda. The poet’s...
‘To Chavistas’ and Other Poetry by John Gao The Society November 28, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 4 Comments To Chavistas You profit off the indignance of the poor just like the imperial loansharks you denounce, you’ve murdered trees and poisoned lakes and swore the water’s safe to drink then gloat to...
‘Cell Block Twenty-Nine’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society November 23, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 10 Comments Cell Block Twenty-Nine I haven’t seen the sun for days, Nor felt Compassion’s gentle ways; My body’s weak, but courage stays, In Cell Block Twenty-Nine. They tell me “Falun Gong’s a...
‘The Cost of Higher Education’ by James A. Tweedie The Society November 14, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 7 Comments I am a university in the U.S. of A. Becoming more dependent on Red China every day. We seek out Chinese students for the money that they bring, While the Confucius Institutes keep...
‘Let’s Take the Other Bus’ by Amy Foreman The Society November 11, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments (A liberal-socialist primer for our youngest, most impressionable comrades) Note: 'take the other bus' is a slang term for homosexual behavior. Come gather round me, little ones: you bourgeois girls,...
‘The Ballerina’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society October 28, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 33 Comments The Ballerina Just before the break of day she woke from dreams of grand jeté and knelt beside her bed to pray. Like a feather, then she rose and slipped into her warm-up clothes to dance in silence...
‘So Says the Prof.’ by Steven Shaffer The Society October 7, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 14 Comments “Religion is an opiate of the masses,” So says the Prof. lecturing to his classes. “College used to be a carrier pigeon For this terrible thing called ‘religion.’ Where all were forced to swallow...
‘Gulag’ by Sam Gilliland The Society October 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments For John McCain, Ernest C. Brace, & Alexander Solzhenitsyn I season my pen with the sonnet's blood, And do not reason with a moonless sky, Thus, in durance, we hearken to the wry Whisper of words from...
‘Two Poems on U.K. Immigration’ by Damian Robin The Society September 11, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Terrorism 10 Comments My Wife Is Clad in Cloth From Head to Foot My wife is clad in cloth from head to foot. How deep her eyes, how vast and sane her eyes. As we leave, I drink her clear brown eyes Then she walks behind me by...
‘Venezuelan Woes’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society September 3, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 6 Comments (All poetry by Bruce Dale Wise) Venezuelan Woes by Lud Wes Caribee As Socialist experiment Venezuela sinks into far greater depths, a plunging country on the brink, Maduro, striving for an orderly...
‘I See a Friend’ and Other Poetry by Joseph Quintanilla The Society August 24, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 9 Comments I See a Friend I see a friend, pull up a stool to talk to this old stupid fool. Both he and I at an impasse and left upset like sharpened glass. Much wisdom spouts from this buck young as liquid warmth...
‘Past the Silence of Barbed Walls’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society August 15, 2018 Beauty, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 11 Comments This poem is dedicated in memoriam to Ms. Wang Lixuan. Because she was raising awareness about the repression of peaceful Falun Dafa practitioners in communist China, she was unlawfully arrested and detained,...