‘Classical Camouflaged’ and Other Poems by James Ph. Kotsybar The Society June 11, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . Classical Camouflaged __It begins, like all prose poems today, with a bit of narrated diary, as though it were a tale by Hemmingway, but more self-conscious and less flowery. __It then proceeds to rub the...
‘A Tribune to Mrs. Malaprop’ by Brian Yapko The Society June 7, 2022 Humor, Poetry 28 Comments . A Tribune to Mrs. Malaprop My fellow poets, lend me your arrears! Of arms and divan I sing. Let’s have three cheers For Mrs. Malaprop, that dole enchanting tongue-tried Miss Communicating aunt From...
‘A Man’s Retreat’ and ‘A Woman’s Domain’ by Cheryl Corey The Society June 2, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . A Man’s Retreat A man’s retreat is his garage—a place To keep his vehicle, yes; but also space To store his manly, miscellaneous hoards: The glues and putties; automotive oils, Waxes, wipes, and...
Poems for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society June 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . More than My Queen My Queen has always been a noble force--- A force for good on chilly English days. Her friendly face, her air of grace---my source Of joy in more than crown-and-sceptre ways. I saw her...
‘The Twins’ by Norma Pain The Society June 1, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . The Twins _Said one foot to the other, _“Please don’t nag, you’re not my mother, I am sick to death of listening to your woes. _You lament you’re always tired, _Whereas I am always wired, Quit...
‘Karl Barth Platz’ and Other Poetry by Adam Wasem The Society May 27, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Karl Barth Platz 1999 Perhaps we walked the same worn cobblestones, Between the same sheer walls, shops clean and trim, Down the same pathways, past the same old homes, And were startled alike by graffiti...
‘Press On, Regardless’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 26, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . Press On, Regardless Conduct a full internal audit, Then throw all caution to the wind. Expect a decent measured plaudit No hypercritic can rescind. And if you think you can’t do better It’s time that...
‘Where Your Treasure Is’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 25, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Where Your Treasure Is “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where...
‘Nil Carborundum Illegitimi’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 24, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 25 Comments . Nil Carborundum Illegitimi On dismal days enswathe yourself in rays, Then flash your splash of sunrise with panache. Such zesty citrus, saffron spun displays Will smash malaise with sassy solar dash--- A...
‘Free-Fall’ and Other Ponderings by James A. Tweedie The Society May 23, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Free-Fall My life has been in free-fall since the day that I was born. __Through clouds and sunshine, I have flown and soared. The trip has been exhilarating since that birth-day morn. __There hasn’t been...
‘Shear Wickedness’ and Other Cat Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society May 18, 2022 Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . Shear Wickedness He was black from his nose to the tip of his tail __But for irises of a rich yellow. In his earlier days he was handsome and hale— __Yes, indeed, a magnificent fellow. But the calendar...
‘All Are Numbered’ and Other Poems by Sally Cook The Society May 17, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 28 Comments . All Are Numbered Moving along the narrow grassy rows Under a sherbet sky, time seems to be The only place where nothing ever grows Or dies, and grass remains, eternally Quite clipped and orderly. It truly...
‘Satan’s Limericks on the Seven Deadly Sins’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society May 15, 2022 Culture, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Satan’s Limericks on the Seven Deadly Sins Sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum; linguis suis dolose agebant: venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum. Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they...
‘The Obsession of Emily Rose’ (A Cautionary Tale) by Norma Pain The Society May 15, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 28 Comments . The Obsession of Emily Rose (A Cautionary Tale) Emily-May Matilda Rose, from the age of three, Acquired the habit of picking her nose wherever she might be. Though otherwise a child of whom her parents...
‘Resist Arrest Instead of Arresting Resistance’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 12, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 14 Comments . Resist Arrest Instead of Arresting Resistance In Denmark, something now is very rotten, As fetid as the food-scraps in the trash That we have, somehow, carelessly forgotten To take outside. Our mood...
‘In Honor of Birthing Person’s Day’ by Brian Yapko The Society May 8, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 40 Comments . In Honor of Birthing Person's Day In gratitude and thanks I bless the one Who gave me life, who sacrificed each breath; Whose love unbounded warmed me till their death. I praise my dear, beloved birthing...
‘The Song of Nina Jankowicz’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 2, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 37 Comments . The Song of Nina Jankowicz The lies burst ripe and rife today. __Their juice spurts forth with pride. The thirst of those who’ve gone astray __Is quenched by gossip’s tide. My job is drenched in poisoned...
‘A Sonnet for My Nephew’ by Caitlin O’Brien The Society May 2, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . A Sonnet for My Nephew Your mother held you first, and then your dad, And after that, the nurse. But then: your aunt. You curled inside my arms—such a small lad— My heart was yours right then. You did...
‘Revelation’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society April 26, 2022 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . Revelation You never see suspects admitting their guilt, __Or partisans stating they lied. You’ll never hear soccer stars fearing defeat, __Or macho guys saying they cried. In a world where the truth’s...
‘Douglas MacArthur, Et al.’ by Cheryl Corey The Society April 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments . Douglas MacArthur, Et Al. Douglas MacArthur waded through the surf, Unafraid to lead his men in battle. Today, they’d rather write a book, tattle On their bosses, and walk on Astroturf. Just sayin’:...
‘St. George Updated’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 23, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . St. George Updated Our age old bold defender __Now an up to date transgender Is consorting with the witless and the woke. He has quit his knight malarkey __Now he hates the patriarchy And our green and...
A Poem for St. George’s Day: ‘By George!’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society April 23, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . By George! By George, St. George! You really are a slouch. Arise, pick up your lance, eschew the couch. Like Patrick, Andrew, David, fill our breasts with pride and we shall wear upon our chests your...
Four Poems for Shakespeare’s Birthday, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 22, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare, Villanelle 15 Comments . Remembering Ophelia His scathing tongue had thrust her to the edge. It nudged her through the willow’s sunless fringe. She teetered on that petal-littered ledge Where Hades howls and bluest moons...
‘With Boots On’ and Other Poetry by Lionel Willis The Society April 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments . With Boots On Soon after break of day an old man comes Trudging along the thawing roads of Cottage Country (the common land of day and hope) Considering the analects of Spring. At every unploughed drive...
‘Hymn to Aurora’ by Andrew Benson Brown The Society April 16, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 27 Comments . Hymn to Aurora 1 Aurora, rise and cast your curls Of daybreak through the vapor swirls To drape my face in scarlet beams— Since you left me I’ve had bad dreams. Like waves, my sheets have tossed...
A Poem for Good Friday: ‘Support the Current Thing’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 15, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 39 Comments . Support the Current Thing Don’t ponder on the horrors of our age. Don’t thumb through all those dusty history tomes. Don’t dally in the dazzle of a sage. Don’t chew on clues and muse like Sherlock...
The Merchant of Venice Student Edition—PDF and Complete Text The Society April 13, 2022 Education, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare 12 Comments . The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Classical Poets Student Edition Adapted by Evan Mantyk to retain the meaning of each line within the original poetic form, including blank and sometimes rhyming...
The Flowers’ Easter Debate: A Translation by Margaret Coats The Society April 10, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Translation 28 Comments . The Flowers' Easter Debate Palm Sunday is the Flowers’ Easter, the day when they honored Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem. As they did not need Good Friday’s bloody atonement for sin, the flowers were...
‘Love’s Seasons’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society April 5, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 37 Comments . Love’s Seasons In the heat of the night, when conditions are right, __Gentle lovers will cuddle and spoon. It’s a wonderful plan, much more marvelous than __Any other found under the moon. When the...
‘The Short-Lived Triumph of the Junior School’s Health & Safety Officer’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society April 1, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . The Short-Lived Triumph of the Junior School's Health & Safety Officer The children wait in line to sanitize Their grubby hands before their morning class. The teacher guards the door, and none may...
On Climate Change: ‘The End Is Near’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society March 29, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 49 Comments . The Simplest Way to Save the Earth The simplest way for us to save the earth Would be for women to stop giving birth. For when there are no longer any mothers We’ll solve the problem of too many...
A Poem on Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Inability to Define a Woman, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 147 Comments . https://rumble.com/embed/vvm2wt/?pub=4 . Identity Crisis I used to think my body was all woman, My fruitful womb refused to be dismissed. But now I’m not so sure I’m even human--- I’m not a fully...
Respected Irish Poetry Journal Publishes Ridiculously Faked Woke Poetry The Society March 25, 2022 Culture, Essays, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . From The Burkean: Icarus magazine currently holds the reputation of being Trinity College’s — if not Ireland’s — premier poetry journal… with contributions from Seamus Heaney and John...
Rhyme Two Random Words Poetry Challenge The Society March 23, 2022 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 46 Comments . Your poem can be serious, silly, or something in-between. List the “random words” you chose as your poem’s title and feel free to use whatever poetic form you’d like. Then post the poem in the...
‘Dispiration’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society March 22, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Dispiration I have nothing to say, Not a thought in my head. If I needed to pray There would be nothing said. Just a large empty space And no functioning brain, With the mouth on my face Filled with nothing...
‘Not What He Thinks’ by Russel Winick The Society March 21, 2022 Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Not What He Thinks All my success An old friend said Has clearly gone Straight to the head. I’ll grant that, but Judged by chagrin It’s his head my Success is in. . . Rachel Dolezal Poor Rachel had a...
‘Love Letter to a Spoon’ by Leland James The Society March 19, 2022 Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . Love Letter to a Spoon How fine thou art my silver spoon. Your neck as graceful as a swan. Your hips full as the harvest moon. Thy manner gentle as a fawn. Bright curls of finespun filigree Like rays of sun...
A Poem for Saint Patrick’s Day: ‘Slàinte!’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 17, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . Slàinte! Today we’ll lift the Lenten limitations And don our Gaelic garb of kelly green. Bonhomie and glee and lush libations Will flow at dawn and dusk and in between. We’ll pluck a harp and pick a...
‘On Sighting a Marsupial’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society March 14, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . On Sighting a Marsupial "Serve with: Turnip greens" —Joy of Cooking Opossums are so ugly that it isn’t clear Another of their kind would find one good to look At. Matted fur and hairless tails do not...
Two Poems for White Day, by Margaret Coats The Society March 13, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Two Poems for White Day On White Day, March 14, men in Japan present white gifts to women, in return for the chocolates they receive from women on Valentine’s Day. White Day began in 1978 as a commercial...