

Prince Hamlet Speaks About Election Fraud

Prince Hamlet speaks about election fraud:
“O villainy! Ho! Let the door be locked.
Treachery! Seek it out.” And this we laud:
A voice half crazy yet all true that rocked
A kingdom, laying bare the crimes within
That had enwrapped the nation in a plot
To seize control and make its gears start spinning
On a strange trajectory that’s not
What seems to make real sense when on the ground—
A war for no good reason and seems forced,
And in our case today voting that’s unsound
And from plain justice seems to be divorced.
We hurtle toward corruption’s deep abyss
And must cry “villainy!” lest the chance be missed.




Watch a pilot episode of Politics & Poetry hosted by Evan Mantyk.

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Evan Mantyk teaches literature and history in New York and is President of The Society of Classical Poets.

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33 Responses

  1. Joseph S. Salemi

    No matter what the ultimate outcome of all this is, at least we here are going on record, publicly, that this election was fraudulent, and that Biden and Harris are illegitimate impostors whom we DON’T recognize.

  2. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Evan, employing Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet to opine poetically on election fraud is spot on and mightily effective. What better character than Hamlet to let us know the wicked machinations of those who wield power… something is rotten in certain states… rotten to the core.

  3. Cynthia Erlandson

    This is great! Now I’m going to have to re-read “Hamlet”! The last two novels I’ve read (“That Hideous Strength” by C.S. Lewis, and “The Children of Men” by P.D. James) have so much in them that echoes what’s going on in the world today (especially in the U.S.A.). Great literature is relevant to other times besides its own!

  4. James Sale

    Very relevant, very apposite and very cutting – well done Evan. I sincerely hope, even if only from a selfish UK perspective, that Trump does indeed reverse this questionable result. As with the ongoing Brexit negotiations, we still wait with bated breath …

  5. Paul A. Freeman

    The losers munch sour grapes and cry “Boo hoo!”
    They search for some imaginary theft.
    Yet even SCOTUS says the vote is true.
    The pendulum swings therefore to the left.

  6. Mike Bryant

    While SCOTUS hasn’t ruled on what is true,
    The pendulum still knows that right is right.
    The swamp and globalists will cry, “Boo-hoo,”
    For patriots are ready for the fight.

    • C.B. Anderson

      Thank God for Texans, Mike. SCOTUS punted, probably because they feared for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. Courage, unfortunately, is not a requirement for appointment to the highest bench. Perhaps Donald Trump should have gotten out in front of this and not been so trusting of the process. We’ll see what happens next.

  7. Joseph Charles MacKenzie

    Keeping in mind that Hamlet’s indignation at the corruption of the court of Denmark, which mirrors England’s indignation at the Tudors, is vitiated by his crippling flirtation with Protestantism at Wittenberg, the birthplace of Luther’s heresy.

    Never was there a religious dog whistle in all of English theatre than the repeated mention of Hamlet’s beloved Wittenberg. The Catholics in Shakespeare’s audience, and some say they were most of his audience, heard it loud and clear. Hamlet is Shakespeare psychoanalyzing a new, young generation of English Protestants. Looking into Hamlet’s soul, we see a complete lack of purpose. His is the Hobson’s choice of accepting that life is not pretty or taking the easy, but sinful, way out through suicide. But there is no purpose in either part of Hamlet’s tragic equation, because purpose is not what one learns in Wittenberg.

    Shakespeare’s prognosis was scientifically proven centuries later by the father of sociology, Emile Durkheim, who found that suicide rates in Protestant countries were dramatically higher than in Catholic countries.

    And this is important in interpreting Mr. Mantyk’s poem. One absolutely cannot invoke Hamlet without invoking the central political problem of the play.

    Hamlet turns out to be a monster, as bad or far worse than those whom he condemns. Like all godless suicides, he finds his ultimate purpose in taking down those around him. Hamlet is essentially a modern Puritan liberal.

    • Evan Mantyk

      Dear Mr. MacKenzie,

      In such a case, I suppose then we should conclude better not to invoke Hamlet? Who would you invoke?

      • Joseph Charles MacKenzie

        I read your poem, Mr. Mantyk, as perfectly invoking Hamlet.

        Because the real problem, of which election fraud is merely a symptom, is the whole set of errors upon which our present society is founded and under which it can never escape corruption. Like Hamlet, we can cry “Villany!” But until we examine the essential emptiness behind that cry, as Shakespeare invites us to under the microscope of the stage, we ourselves enable corruption.

        There is more to goodness than the rejection of evil. Thee is also the fulfillment of one’s purpose, a purpose which is not the creation of personal whim or caprice, but the quest for union with God through Christ.

        Catholics, whether groundlings standing in front of Shakespeare’s stage in the Globe or modern commentators such as Joseph Pearce, all understood Hamlet as the embodiment of a whole society divorced from Truth, because it discarded divine and Catholic faith to guide it.

        Even such flippant ideas of “classical poetry” as “anything that scans as long as it’s not ‘shackled’ by morality” is emblematic of the corruption Shakespeare directly confronts.

  8. C.B. Anderson

    We dreamed before we went to sleep, and now we must all die.


  9. Paul A. Freeman

    A bandwagon of hearsay voter fraud
    is music to the brainwashed MAGA horde.
    But SCOTUS needed proof, yet none it saw,
    so honourably they chose the rule of law.

    • Evan Mantyk

      Dear Paul,

      I will respectfully disagree with you here. It seems perhaps you don’t understand what happened. SCOTUS didn’t take the case and cited a technicality. They haven’t examined any evidence. There has to be an objective, impartial trial (if possible) to get to the bottom of this and get answers. I assume your tone is still respectful to the highlighted poet? Is it?

    • C.B. Anderson

      What you’ve neglected to consider, “Freeman,” is over 1,000 sworn affidavits by persons who witnessed voter fraud, where giving false testimony could result in perjury charges (line 1). And, yes, our brains have been washed in the sense that they are clean of whatever it is that infects yours (line 2). SCOTUS saw no proof because it declined to examine the evidence, and thereby acted dishonorably (lines 3 & 4). Your little quatrain does, however, scan fairly well, but I might suggest that you yourself have your brain scanned.

      • BDW

        “No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.”
        —Mark Twain

      • Paul A. Freeman

        Obviously you’ve won some kind of argument by quoting Mark Twain, BDW. Congratulations.

      • Paul A. Freeman

        Of course the problem with quotes, is that for each quote, there is usually a counter-quote, such as ‘There are none so blind
        as those who will not see’ – which is a genuine quote.

        Anyhow, from hereon in, I’m sticking to writing (and commenting on) non-political, classical-style poetry. Please do extend me the same courtesy.

      • BDW

        “A jay will lie, a jay will steal, a jay will deceive, a jay will betray.”

      • BDW

        If Mr. Freeman is correct about the Twain quote, which I believe he may be; though Twain may have said it in one of his many live performances; if that’s the case, I won’t have to attribute it, just use it:
        No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
        I like it. It may be one of my “classical-style” themes on the election of 2020. I thank Mr. Freeman for it.

  10. David Watt

    Thanks Evan for highlighting the fraud and subsequent inaction. Failure to investigate mounds of evidence on the basis of a mere technicality makes a mockery of due process.

  11. Mike Bryant

    I wonder if it’s on rumble.com. That’s the new conservative replacement for youtube.


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