. Journal XII NOTE: Journal XII is currently out of stock, but should become available soon. In the meantime, if you are new to the SCP and are seeking Membership, you may instead purchase Journal XI. See below. The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal XII is a 300-page publication featuring poetry, translations, and essays selected from those published on the SCP website between February 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024. See a complete list here. Journal XII also features exquisite color art created by living artists who are at the top of the fine arts field today. You may obtain a copy of Journal XII here. Purchase: If in the United States, you may mail a check for $40 made out to The Society of Classical Poets, Inc. Email [email protected] for mailing address. . Journal XI The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal XI is a 300-page publication featuring poetry, translations, and essays selected from those published on the SCP website between February 1, 2022 and January 31, 2023. See a complete list here. Journal XI also features exquisite color art created by living artists who are at the top of the fine arts field today. You may obtain a copy of Journal XI here. Purchase: If in the United States, you may mail a check for $50 made out to The Society of Classical Poets, Inc. Email [email protected] for mailing address. . Journal X The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal X is a 300-page tome featuring poetry, translations, and essays selected from those published on the SCP website between February 1, 2021 and January 31, 2022. See a complete list here. Journal X also features exquisite color art created by living artists who are at the top of the fine arts field today. You may obtain a hardcover copy of Journal X here. You may obtain a paperback copy of Journal X here. Purchase: If in the United States, for a hardcover copy, you may mail a check for $50 made out to The Society of Classical Poets, Inc. Email [email protected] for mailing address. . Journal IX The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal IX is an over 300-page tome that features hundreds of selected poems from the year as well as dozens of color paintings inside. To see all of the contributing poets and artists in Journal IX click here. You may obtain a paperback copy of Journal IX here. You may obtain a hardcover copy of Journal IX here. . Journal VIII The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal VIII is an exquisite 306-page tome that features hundreds of selected poems from the year as well as dozens of color paintings inside. To see all of the contributing poets click here. Purchase: If in the United States, mail a check for $30 made out to The Society of Classical Poets, Inc. Email [email protected] for mailing address. If in Canada or the United Kingdom, click on the image above. If in India or another country where shipping costs are prohibitively high, email [email protected] with an explanation. . Journal VII The Society of Classical Poets’ Journal VII is larger and more impressive than any past year, with dozens of color paintings inside, greater placement of poems, and the option for hardcover. Click here to purchase a copy. To see all of the contributing poets and artists click here. Journal VII is also available on Amazon here. . Journal Vol. 6 The Society of Classical Poets is reviving poetry with rhyme and meter and the response has been widespread and tremendous. Since the Society was founded in 2012, we have grown from a daily blog with weekly posts to a major non-profit organization publishing the highest quality poetry on a daily basis, as well as insightful essays, reviews, and the most exquisite art. People have been waiting for the return of real poetry, poetry that has clear thinking, discipline in form, and virtue in spirit, and now it has arrived. Volume is divided into nine chapters: The Beautiful, Humor, Exposing Communism, Facing Terrorism, Story Poems, Observations, Translation, Prose, and Riddles. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 6. . Journal Vol. 5 Divided into easy to engage and topical categories such as Beauty, Humor, Anti-Communism, and The Environment, the Journal Vol. 5 features selected poetry, essays, and translations from the Society’s last 12 months. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 5. . Journal Vol. 4 This year’s journal is bigger and better than ever! In addition to the best poetry being written today in the English-speaking world, it includes a mini-textbook on teaching classical poetry suitable for educators of all levels. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 4. . Journal Vol. 3 The best poetry of the last year has culminated in this publication. Poets include competition winners Reid McGrath, James Sale, Mike Ruskovich, Bruce Dale Wise, Darlene Wolenski, and Abigail Zhong, as well as many others. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 3. . Journal Vol. 2 The best poetry of the last year has culminated in this publication. Poets include competition winners Bruce Dale Wise, Damian Robin, Reid McGrath, Betsy M. Hughes, Michael Curtis, Gloria Li, and Leland James. Other featured poets and essayists include Robert Woods, Jim Dunlap, Khalid Mukhtar, Bronwen Hudson, Rama Devi, Alan Nordstrom, Don Shook, Michael Rovner, Andrew Gelinas, Douglas Thornton, and Clinton Van Inman. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 2. . Journal Vol. 1 The best poetry of the previous year culminated in this publication. Poets include competition winners Alan Nordstrom, Leland James, James Ph. Kotsybar, Damian Robin, Keith Robson, and many others. Click here to purchase the Journal Vol. 1. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.