The Battle of Bunker Hill in Epic Poetry, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society October 18, 2023 Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Bunker Hill an excerpt from the forthcoming Legends of Liberty, Vol. 2 . The Eve of Battle The midnight moon. The month of June. A neck Of land. A hill of sand. A group of shadows With...
A Poem on Writers’ Block and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society October 7, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Blocked Though honeyed breezes warm the marble halls on Mount Parnassus, vainly do I search for writing on my January walls— molasses clogs my veins. A different church, perhaps a fresh sodality of...
Two Autumn Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 3, 2023 Humor, Poetry 28 Comments . Season of Gall and Sticky Listlessness Autumn is upon us here in Texas. Her shy arrival’s destined to perplex us. Just like the voiceless aria of Spring, Fall’s muted presence doesn’t change a...
‘Labyrinthine Bag’ and Other Poetry by Wael Almahdi The Society September 27, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Labyrinthine Bag My wife, bless her heart, went and bought me a bag with tons of compartments, and pouches, and pockets. But searching for stuff is a chore and a drag it takes me forever to locate my...
‘Rhyme Subprime’: A Poem on Slant Rhymes by Ken Gosse The Society September 25, 2023 Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . Rhyme Subprime I tend to rant against slant;maybe it’s something I can’t__embrace with affection__or write to perfection but I don’t mean sharing a thoughtin a sensitive way that’s not...
‘A Draft of Death’: A Poem by Jeff Kemper The Society September 23, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . A Draft of Death Did Flavius not inform us How a fart fetched fates enormous? After Flavius Josephus’s account of a Jewish Passover (ca 50 AD), when Ventidius Cumanus was procurator of Judea. While in...
‘On Being “Chopped”‘ and other Gaming Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society September 19, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . On Being “Chopped” On TV, watching the show “Chopped,” I see Three losing chefs go home each episode; And one who celebrates a victory For a dessert they called, “Shrimp a la Mode.” Imagine...
‘Limericks on Good English Prose’ by Joseph S. Salemi (with Note on Fictive Mimesis) The Society September 17, 2023 Education, Essays, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 23 Comments . Cantankerous Limericks on Good English Prose I love a complexly wrought sentence With phrases and colons that went thence __To make concise points __With their well-dovetailed joints And gave one no cause...
Thoughts on Education Outside the Box: Poems by Anna J. Arredondo The Society September 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . . Freedom high school algebra class; May 12, 1993 . A breeze blows in; it wisps my hair, And flutters papers in the air; It carries, with the scent of rose, A dream---and takes one as it goes. . Upon its...
‘Excuse My Excuse’: A Poem by Ken Gosse The Society August 31, 2023 Humor, Limerick, Poetry 3 Comments . Excuse My Excuse An excuse—that’s a word to excuse at those times when I need a good ruse __which I’ll put to good use __while I find some excuse which will not leave folks singing the blues. If the...
‘God Made These Texas Summers’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society August 29, 2023 Humor, Poetry 33 Comments . God Made These Texas Summers The Summer’s come again To the vast Texas plain, Where touching any metal Can instantly cause pain. The horny toads are resting In shadows of the rocks, And cowboys now are...
‘The Pietà or Mickey Mouse?’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society August 28, 2023 Art, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . The Pietà or Mickey Mouse? A book I’ve read depicts a boy Who’s searching for creative joy. His mind can’t focus on a vision, So he’s weighed down by indecision: To carve the rock behind his...
‘Belling the Cat’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society August 28, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . Belling the Cat The mice called a council to try to defeat A troublesome cat who would ruthlessly eat Any mouse in the house that she happened to meet. A young mouse spoke first. “Pay attention to...
‘Aphorisms for a Foggy Morning’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society August 27, 2023 Beauty, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . Aphorisms for a Foggy Morning No literary monuments exist without the word. A lord who lacks entitlements is patently absurd. A song that has no sound to give has never yet been heard. Two wings for every...
‘The Magic Casket’: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 27, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 32 Comments . The Magic Casket 'Twas in the local funeral home __The miracle occurred, As ticking clock hands kissed at noon __And restless spirits stirred… A gasp, a creak, a quake, a crash, __A spectral puff...
‘Mosquitoes’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society August 23, 2023 Humor, Poetry, Satire 10 Comments . Mosquitoes God designed the darn mosquito, But the reason’s nothing we know. Seems their less than epic purpose Is to bite our epidermis. . . The Left’s Vision for Future Transportation From much of...
‘Gordon’s Soup’: A Poem by Norma Pain The Society August 21, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 25 Comments . Gordon’s Soup One day old Arthur Vincent Knowling, Quit the couch to take up bowling, Grasped the fact at fifty-three, The time he’d wasted on TV. He’d been a hermit all these years And suddenly was...
‘Ghost in This House’ After Hugh Prestwood and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society August 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Music, Poetry 17 Comments . Ghost in This House "I don’t mind staying in, there’s another ghost here. He sits down in your chair, and he shines with your light, And he lays down his head on your pillow at night.“ —lyrics from...
‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society August 14, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . The Boy Who Cried Wolf Once there lived a shepherd boy who Despised his dull profession. His job was to alert the town When wolves would show aggression. One Saturday in late July, He thought it would be...
Four Limericks by Paddy Raghunathan The Society August 10, 2023 Humor, Limerick 19 Comments . Pick-up Truck Dude This dude in his old pick-up truck Sped recklessly, riding his luck. __He swerved ‘round the bend, __Lost control in the end, And got his truck stuck in the muck. . . Sleeping...
Poems on Texas’s Hot Summer of 2023 by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 9, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 38 Comments . Two Summer Villanelles . l. Lone Star Sear The burn and boil is grim for some. I’m red of neck and flushed of cheek. I’m roasting under summer’s thumb. Cicadas thrum and twang and strum Their shrill...
‘Curious Couplets’: A Poem by Sally Cook The Society August 6, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 29 Comments . Curious Couplets . Goose Lady When driving through a blizzard, Marge Espied a goose, not over large. Determinedly it marched along— One wing dragged as it sang its song And whistled wee wee as it went— A...
‘Medieval Scam Letter’: A Poem by Paul A. Freeman The Society August 1, 2023 Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Medieval Scam Letter Felicitations from the Holy Land, Where I, as sole survivor of a band Of mercenary soldiers stashed away Much booty; and concealèd it shall stay Until a boat’s procured to sail me...
‘The Sky Within’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society July 31, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . The Sky Within The rolling sea becomes a frothy lather When argent Sister Moon calls forth a tide And sooty billows on the skyline gather. A flash of lightning urges us inside Where we observe the phases of...
‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society July 30, 2023 Children's, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments . The Tortoise and the Hare in limericks A tortoise and hare were a-talkin’. Said Hare: “Why, your slowness is shockin’! __If we ran a race, __You’d be a disgrace. I’d win, even if I were...
‘To His Coy Transport’: A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society July 28, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 24 Comments . The Number 53: To His Coy Transport Had we but world enough and time, My coy and tardy 53, This hesitancy were no crime And I’d be waiting patiently. When other buses came along I’d not obstruct or...
‘Henry at Morning Time’: A Poem by Nathaniel Todd McKee The Society July 27, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . Henry at Morning Time I’m lost in Greek or Latin, when You break into my life again. “Daddy, look! It’s morning time,” You say, as rays of sun sublime Bring color to the room. The leaves of...
‘Don’t Mess with Texas Gals’: A Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society July 10, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Don't Mess with Texas Gals On My Late Life Wife . Don't mess with my hot Texan. She's Texas born and bred. She does not fool with strangers. She'd rather see them dead. They said when she was born She had...
‘The Number 44: The Cookery Class’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society June 28, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . The Number 44: The Cookery Class Now, this is a tale of a cookery class; It happened in Battersea early one March. The teacher was Jane who though barely thirteen Already sought fame as a culinary...
‘The Adventures of Verb’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society June 25, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry, Satire 28 Comments . The Adventures of Verb At six, I had a dictionary Where I would meet a man named Verb, Superb and quite extraordinary, In every definition’s blurb, Right at the finish, did while doing, For example:...
‘Fifth Glyph’: A Poem on the Letter E, by Paul A. Freeman The Society June 14, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . Fifth Glyph This glyph, in British talk, occurs most oft--- most common, too, writ down within our books. Twixt ‘a’ and ‘z’ it’s fifth, not sat aloft but low and unassuming in its...
A Poem on an Old Garden Gnome, by Norma Pain The Society June 7, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Gnome A long-time fixture at our home Is Schnozz, our little garden gnome. This non-complaining happy chap Appears to have a handicap, And looks to me, I must confess, A poor neglected, grubby mess. His...
Poems for Parents Whose Children Are Going Away to College, by Paddy Raghunathan The Society June 4, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry 6 Comments . Come September a pantoum Ohio State’s your home come September, Though we'll be lonely, stuck as empty nesters. Our home will be without its central member, When college life will beckon each...
Poetry on Butterflies, Insects, and Frogs, by Norma Pain The Society May 24, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Butterfly Habit Ungainly butterfly, Misdirected flight. Fascinating random, Unpredictable delight. To and fro… up and down And backwards if you please, Bumbling aeronautics Independent of the...
‘On Second Thought’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 23, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . On Second Thought When words fail, __perhaps it’s not the words at all, __but hobbled minds that cannot call __a lucid image to avail ____the powers of description. When love fades, __it might not be true...
‘A Poetic Heretic’s Poetry Tips’ and Other Poetry on Poetry, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 34 Comments . A Poetic Heretic’s Poetry Tips a villanelle inspired by Dr. Salemi's essay "Poetry As The Philosophers Stone" Don’t listen to the howl of highbrow spiel From preachy creatures out to flatten...
‘Ode to the Turnip’: A Poem by Paul A. Freeman The Society May 9, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . Ode to the Turnip Oh, turnip! You’re a vegetable maligned, suggestive of a drunk’s empurpled nose. Baked, or boiled, or steamed, on you I’ve dined, then revelled in a peaceful night’s repose. Your...
‘The Shortfalls of Empirical Knowledge’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society May 7, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . The Shortfalls of Empirical Knowledge Sorry, Iowa. Each night is different from all previous And therefore not the same as those to come. The ways of Nature can be devious: They test experience and leave us...
Dogs, Cats, Nursery Rhymes & Mother Goose: Three Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society April 29, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Why Children Like Nursery Rhymes A story to be told, a tale to tell Of things that do not matter much at all. Who cares about the farmer in the dell? Or Humpty-Dumpty falling off a wall? The pickled peppers...
A Poem for National Poetry Month: ‘Salutations, Spring’ by Janice Canerdy The Society April 28, 2023 Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Salutations, Spring We sing your praises long before you’re due and after you’ve departed—all year long! You bring green grass and flowers into view— plus bugs, torrential rains, and winds so...