‘A Few Special Letters’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society April 21, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . A Few Special Letters . The mother goddess The m’s the mother goddess of the letters: Her shape exemplifies the female form. A bosom there for some, a bottom others; For warmth and comfort is...
Poems on Growing Up, by James A. Tweedie The Society April 15, 2023 Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . Growing Up . Starving Children in China If you don’t eat the food that’s on your plate ....I will, in turn, assert That you will be excused—no need to wait— ....For you won’t get dessert. . Crime...
A Poem on Joe Biden and Ice Cream, by Cheryl Corey The Society April 10, 2023 Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . The King of Ice Cream in reference to recent Biden comments here. The current White House resident Is more than just the President. He’s King! The King of Ice Cream! A freezer-full of ice cream! A tragic...
‘Parque España, Mexico City’ and Other Sonnets by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society April 10, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare 8 Comments . Parque España, Mexico City I walked until I couldn't walk without at least alighting on a city bench, the first that had a shaded seat, about ten yards from workers digging out a trench to place a pipe to...
‘The Number 274: Timothy Pugh’: A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society April 6, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . The Number 274: Timothy Pugh Now this is the story of Timothy Pugh Who woke up one morning in Regent's Park Zoo. He couldn’t recall what had happened before, Nor how he had boarded the 274. He couldn’t...
Don Quixote Text with PDF: Adapted for Students The Society March 24, 2023 Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments . The following is an excerpt of Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes, encompassing most of Chapters 1 through 8, including Don Quixote getting his start, acquiring his squire Sancho Panza, and going on the...
‘The Tragedy of the p and the q’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society March 24, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . The Tragedy of the p and the q . Lovers in eternity The p and q were two eternal lovers Who faced each other in the alphabet. To all else lost, oblivious of others, The ideal Romeo and Juliet. But though...
A Poem on Online Dating: ‘Avalon’ by Jeff Eardley The Society March 22, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 26 Comments . Avalon This little tale concerns a man, Who in an English village ran A thriving little corner shop, Supplying shakes and soda pop. This fellow did his best to try, His customers to satisfy, As in his shop,...
‘The Dandelion’: A Poem by Leland James The Society March 22, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . The Dandelion Suburbia frowns upon her sunlit face: “Out, out thou upstart weed!” Poor Dandelion —like sisters Cinderella, Queen Anne’s lace— a beauty cast aside; no bed to lie in. Medicinal,...
‘How to Write Contemporary Poetry’ and ‘Brush Up Your Shakespeare’ by Brian Yapko The Society March 21, 2023 Culture, Education, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry, Satire, Shakespeare 35 Comments . How to Write Contemporary Poetry a pantoum in free verse composition keep letters lower case. dump classical tradition then cite the marketplace. keep letters lower case make use of ampersands then cite the...
‘Learnin’ Letters’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society March 20, 2023 Education, Humor, Poetry 28 Comments . Learnin’ Letters I wanna learn me letters Ma, I wanna learn ta read. If I can learn me letters Ma, We’ll ‘ave the things we need. An’ when I grows ta be a man, I’ll be a proper gent, Discussin’...
‘The Antiques Buyer Meets His Match’: A Poem by Mark Stellinga The Society March 20, 2023 Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . The Antiques Buyer Meets His Match "What's the best you'll do?" I asked; __“It's nice, but needs some work... and parts for these, as you may know, __are sometimes hard to find!” “If you don't like...
‘The Leprechaun’: A Saint Patrick’s Day Poem by Cheryl Corey The Society March 17, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . The Leprechaun Come mid-March, the leprechaun Glides up and o’er the rainbow, Playful as a unicorn That’s prancing in a meadow. With greedy eyes glimmering, And shim’ry as a peacock, He slides to...
‘The Scottish Gourmand’: A Poem by Wael Almahdi The Society March 12, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . The Scottish Gourmand A culture-rich country which lay to the east where we were invited to conference and feast from Cuba to China, and some of the rest they bade them here gather and money invest for...
‘Ondine and Lucien’s Great Adventure’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society March 10, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . The Number 17: Ondine and Lucien’s Great Adventure; Or, The Kind that Can Float from The Bus Poems: A Tale of the Devil, currently in preparation. Now this is a tale of two very good friends; They lived...
‘Homeric Hot or Not’: Poem by Morrison Handley-Schachler The Society March 5, 2023 Homer, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Homeric Hot or Not (Hotness Ratings Out of 10) . 10 By birth divine and radiantly tressed And beautiful and of a charm possessed That turns men into pigs if she’s inclined, A better girl than Circe none...
‘Winter Hyphenation’: A Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society February 25, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . Winter Hyphenation Knit cap above, two squinting eyes below Face frozen fresh-fall snowfall, white as snow. Constricted pupils dim the sight and fight Against the blinding sunrise-lumined light. An...
A Poem on Ronald Reagan: ‘The Reagan’ by Paul Buchheit The Society February 22, 2023 Humor, Poetry, Satire, The Raven 60 Comments . The Reagan with apologies to Edgar Allan Poe Once upon a long and weary voting day with chances dreary for a quaint and curious choice, a nominee we all adore; while I gauged the sense of voting, suddenly I...
‘And Every Dog His Day’ by C.B. Anderson The Society February 17, 2023 Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . And Every Dog His Day There’s no such thing as dog-years. You were fooled By sentimental nincompoops who don’t Know how to count correctly, twits unschooled In logic or in basic facts who...
‘So Much Depends upon a Dog’ by André Le Mont Wilson The Society February 17, 2023 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . So Much Depends upon a Dog So much depends upon a dog The earth revolves around the sun. Each day revolves around our jog— unclip your harness, watch you run, and sniff where other dogs have wet. So much...
A Valentine’s Day ‘Appeal’ by C.B. Anderson The Society February 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 23 Comments . An Appeal I want to be a fiber on your loom, A constant fixture in your living room, A luscious morsel that you save for last. It's time for us to build a solid past, If only to secure a firm...
‘The Ballad of Mrs. Pam Able’ and Other Poetry by Jeff Eardley The Society February 14, 2023 Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 24 Comments . The Ballad of Mrs. Pam Able Mrs. Pam Able was very unstable, And loved to be tied to her dining-room table. Her friends were appalled, many names she was called, For her fatal attraction for men who were...
A Picnic Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society February 12, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . The Number 128: The Picnic “Let’s go on a picnic,” the older one said; “We’ll take tins of salmon and slices of bread.” “We’ll set up a table away from the trees” “And sit in the sunshine...
‘The Villainy of Icicles’ by Brian Yapko The Society February 7, 2023 Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . The Villainy of Icicles That sword of Damocles! That glacial Iago! A prism forged of ice, sharp and aloof; An icicle out of Doctor Zhivago Malevolently hanging from our roof... It waited for the perfect...
‘Fear for the Future’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society February 6, 2023 Humor, Poetry, Satire 32 Comments . Fear for the Future When I ponder the future I get so distraught For the Leftists control Most production of thought. . . To Better Protect Democracy The WAPO and the New York Times Should move all their...
‘The Poetaster’s Plight’ by Kenneth L. Horne The Society January 26, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . The Poetaster’s Plight Some think the poet’s work is ease: "Sit back and write it’s such a breeze;" But those that know will surely say They labor hard from day to day. They wrestle with each turn of...
‘The Stonechat Listens At The Asylum Window’ by Charles Southerland The Society January 25, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . The Stonechat Listens at the Asylum Window I fear I might mistranslate what you said And lose the very essence of your words. May I record you as I do the birds: The warbler, shrike and wren, red’s...
A Sonnet for Burns Night, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 43 Comments . Note: Burns Night is when Scotland’s most important bard, Robert Burns (1759-1796), is celebrated, usually with the recitation of Burns’ poems, the eating of haggis, and the drinking of whisky. It...
On Alma Tadema’s Coign of Vantage and Other Poetry by Mary Jane Myers The Society January 24, 2023 Art, Beauty, Ekphrastic, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . . On Alma Tadema’s Coign of Vantage Flora peeks over the marble parapet, a dizzying perch above the azure Aegean. The Roman fleet is returning. 'Tis the season to flirt, to catch a lover in her...
‘On a Terrible Orchestral-chorale Concert’ by Peter Venable The Society January 23, 2023 Humor, Poetry 4 Comments . On a Terrible Orchestral-chorale Concert Trapped here with vain musicians---what a fate! An echo chamber that I can't escape. Conductors lead, nude but for bandanas. On their right side, Carmina...
‘Iambic Barktameter’ by Mark F. Stone The Society January 21, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . A Note on Iambic Barktameter I have an Australian Shepard named Sunny who loves poetry. I didn’t believe it at first, but she proved it to me. She showed me her copy of Poetry magazine and said, “Look...
‘Cookies’ and Other Sweet Poetry by Norma Pain The Society January 15, 2023 Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . Cookies I bought a bag of cookies for a snack, But they were way too sweet… I took them back. I tried each one to make sure this was true. I really didn’t know what else to do. The woman in the store...
‘Bingo Ladies’ by Mary Gardner The Society January 14, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 35 Comments . Bingo Ladies Gray-haired gals meet twice a week, Have their luncheon with the clique At the Wendy’s in Coppell. After they have talked a spell Off to northwest part of Dallas To the Giant Bingo...
‘Putting Settings in Their Place’ and Other Frivolous Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society January 11, 2023 Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Putting Settings in Their Place For dilettantes the world’s bereft When table settings aren’t precise. For if the forks aren’t on the left They’ll give their host some stern advice: “The fork goes...
‘Shams’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society January 3, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Shams Shams-i Tabrizi was Rumi’s intimate friend and spiritual mentor. I stayed awake those short midsummer nights When naked druids danced beneath the moon’s Hypnotic glow performing pagan rites And...
Two Winter Poems by Phil S. Rogers The Society January 2, 2023 Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . The Winter Cold I so despise the winter cold; I admit it makes me utter all kinds of truly nasty words, disposition in the gutter. The snow, the ice, this arctic clime do not set my heart aflutter, and...
‘Crimes Against My Sanity’ and Other Poems on Parenting by Anna J. Arredondo The Society December 29, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 22 Comments . Crimes Against My Sanity At any-given-time o’clock While tidying my house, I find--- Oh look---is that another sock? It really isn’t such a shock; My kids for chaos were designed At any-given-time...
‘Wisdom’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society December 26, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Wisdom When young I dreamed of someday being wise, And pictured brilliant input holding sway. But via jolts of life now realize, There’s wisdom also in what you don’t say. . . No One Fully Measures...
‘How Troubling to Know Mrs. Pain’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society December 26, 2022 Humor, Poetry 32 Comments . How Troubling to Know Mrs. Pain How troubling to know Mrs. Pain. She has written some ludicrous stuff. Some think that she hasn’t a brain, And some think she has just enough. She types her stuff on the...
‘Christmas Rules and Promises’ and Other Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society December 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . Christmas Rules and Promises My first rule for this Christmas is__No carrot sticks for me.They might have been a snowman's nose,__So I will let them be. My second rule this Christmas is__Your gift I will...